Good ol' explanation at the hospital!

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Okay running was a bad idea..

Gumball finally caught up to the ambulance, and tried to catch his breath for a second. Once he was good, he went inside the gloomy place, known as the hospital.


Ugh... My head..

Marcie stared up at the ceiling, as she was placed in a bed. "Can you hear me?" She blinked, and looked at the nurse next to her. "Mam can you hear me?" The woman questioned again.

Marcie quietly nodded, as her body continued to hurt. "Everything's going to be fine, alright?" She nodded again, and the nurses and doctor quickly got into action.


Gumball waited impatiently outside the door, worry overtaking him. The clock on the wall ticked loudly, making it seem like forever, as the minutes went by. 

A nurse stepped out of the door with relief. Seeing him sitting on the ground, she flinched with surprise. "..Is she going to be okay?.." He looked up at the nurse, with a frown on his face. Still a bit surprised, the nurse answered. "Uh.. Yes.. She's just fine.." "Can I see her?.." The nurse looked at the door, knowing that they finished bandaging her up. "..Yes.."

Gumball quietly got up and opened the door. Inside, Marcie still laid in the bed, but was now bandaged at where the major, major wounds were. "Marcie?.." She looked up, seeing him come to the side of the bed. "..Hey.." She greeted, her voice a little shaky. "Are.. You okay?.." He asked, with worry. "Yeah I'm fine.." Marcie replied, as she smiled.

She sat up a little, wincing at the pain. "Marcie.. Are there people like Jordan in your family?.." Marcie sighed. "No.. Just him.." "So they're not abusive like him?.." She shook her head no. "My family are kind people. They don't start fights and abuse people like my brother.." She said brother in a bit of anger, not really fond of using it to describe Jordan. Remembering the earlier events, Marcie became a little puzzled.

"Hey, I have a question.." Gumball nodded, signaling her to continue. "That um.. 'Thing' you turned into.. Have you ever done that on the show before?.." She noticed a slight change in the atmosphere, which was a little colder. "No.." He answered softly, almost sounding like a whisper.

"No?.." Marcie had a look of confusion on her face. 

Then how did he do that?..

"Have you ever.. Melted on the show?.." She asked. He shook his head no. "This stuff never happened before.." Marcie was fairly worried, since this sounded pretty weird. "Hm.. Maybe it has to do with how you got here.." She said, puzzled in thought.

They heard the door open again, and they both looked at who it was. There was a couple standing at the doorway, who looked to be at least in their late fourties and early fifties. "Marcie?.." The older man had a look of worry and concern, along with the older woman.

"Mom?.. Dad?.." Marcie questioned. The older woman noticed Gumball at the side of the bed still, and she looked at Marcie with a confused, yet surprised look on her face. "Marcie.. How.." Her mother had no words, still pondering about this. 

Marcie sighed, and began to tell them. "Mom, dad, this is Gumball. Gumball, this is my mom and dad." She said, introducing them to each other. "Uh.. Hi.." Gumball said awkwardly, waving his hand a little. 

"I found him in the neighborhood when I was driving home, and basically, sorry if this sounds weird, he came out of a void that landed him here." Marcie explained. Her parents seemed understanding to the explanation. 

Marcie's mother bent down and touched Gumball's head, which to her felt soft and fluffy. "Is he like the one on that show?" She asked. Marcie nodded. "Yeah.. But.. With some.. Extra side effects from landing here.." She replied.

"So what happened to you Marcie?" Her father asked, as he was on the left side of the bed. Marcie scowled. "Jordan came by my house today." Her father clenched his fists a bit angrily. "What did he want now?" She sighed, and continued. "He wanted to stay at my house for a while. Anyway, he eventually found Gumball hiding behind the couch, and nearly strangled him to death. Jordan kept yelling at me to answer where I got him.. And I technically started the fight." 

"That son of a-" Her mother cut her father off quickly. "No dear, language." He nodded, and listened to the story. 

"He was basically trying to kill me, throwing me onto the coffee table, punching, you name it." Her mother and father looked at each other with concern, before looking back at Marcie. "I don't remember much after that, but Gum-" "Okay I think that's enough explaining, they know what happened now." Gumball quickly cut her off before she could continue.

A little annoyed, Marcie leaned over and quietly spoke to him, so that her parents wouldn't hear them. "It's okay, we can talk about it." "But what if they don't like it?.." "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll understand. Just show them." 

Gumball took a deep breath, and faced Marcie's parents. Marcie's mother let out a small gasp, while Marcie's father widened his eyes in surprise, as the two then saw the blue cat turn into the drippy figure like earlier, but not in a injured state this time. After a few seconds, Marcie's mother then spoke. "You can do that?.." "Y-Yeah..." He answered, looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact. Marcie's mother bent down again, eye-to-eye with him. "Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of.. It's actually pretty incredible." "Wait.. Really?" Gumball looked up at her, a little surprised by her response. She nodded, with a sincere smile.

"Anyway, he helped me out, and managed to get me here." Marcie continued. Her parents looked back at her. "And.. That's basically the story." She finished, ending the explanation. Her father cleared his throat, and unclenched his fists. "Well, at least you're okay. Do you know where Jordan is now?"

Marcie looked over at Gumball, who was now reverted back to his nondrippy self. "He got arrested.." He replied. Her father sighed in relief. "Good."

A doctor came into the room, holding a chart in his hand. Marcie's parents turned around, curious about the results. "Well, how she's doing doc?" Her father asked. "She's doing fine, but she'll need to stay here for a while for recovery." The doctor replied. The parents looked at each other with concern. 

"Before I go over things, what is your names?" "Julie Williams." Marcie's mother now known as Julie answered. "And I'm Oliver Williams." The father added, with a stern tone. "Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, your daughter is hurt pretty bad. She has at least five broken rib bones, a broken leg, and some major problems at the head. But other than that, she's in good condition for everything else." Mr. and Mrs. Williams sighed in relief.

"So how long will she be here for?" Oliver asked. "A few weeks or so. By then everything should be okay and she'll be able to go home." The doctor answered. "Thank you doctor." The man nodded, and left the room.

Marcie frowned, after hearing this news. "Don't worry honey, it won't be that long." Her father said. "But it's a few weeks.. Where's Gumball going to stay?" She questioned, worry on her face. "Marcie it's okay, we'll handle everything. Just take it easy and relax. You need rest." 

Her mother kissed her on the forehead. "We'll visit you soon, okay?" "Okay.." Her father went to the door, smiled at her, before looking back at his wife. "I'll be in the car." He said, as he left.

Julie took Gumball by the hand. "Ready to go?" She asked. He nodded, and they went to the door. "Bye Marcie.." He waved to her, as they left. 

Marcie waved back, before thinking again about that weird drippy thing that happened earlier.

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