Worried safety

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AN: Hi! Sorry for the long wait, I was busy with other projects, but here I am now! Anyways, this chapter has been updated from its original Fanfiction.Net version. Enjoy!

The sun was shining, streaming into the windows of the house. On the couch resided Gumball and Darwin, who were both fast asleep, each sleeping on their respective sides of the furniture, with the goldfish on the left and the cat sprawled out on the right.

Gumball soon woke up groggily, slightly smoothing out his messed up fur, as he sat up in his place. A note on the new coffee table caught his attention. He picked it up, silently reading its contents.

Morning! By the time you read this I'll be at work. If you need anything, just call me. My number's written over by the house phone. And one quick thing! You two can do whatever today, even going outside if you want. But if someone else is at the door you don't recognize, don't answer. Also.. please don't do anything disasterous like you guys usually do. I just cleaned the living room.. I'll be back at 5 pm, see you soon! -Marcie

"What's it say?" 

The cat flinched, unaware of Darwin sitting beside him. Composed, he handed him over the paper, letting him read. "Marcie's at work I guess, but she said we can do whatever as long as nothing happens."

"Oh cool! What do you wanna do then?" Darwin asked, dropping the note back onto the table. 

Gumball shrugged, as the two made their way into the kitchen, digging around for some breakfast. "I dunno, there's not much to do."

"What do you normally do?" The goldfish found a box of cereal, though frowned seeing it was bran. He put it back after that, though smiled finding some sugary frosted tarts. He handed one over to Gumball, who happily took it.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you only got here yesterday." The cat took a bite of the food, eating before he continued, as they returned to the living room. "Normally the neighborhood kids would probably be out trying to get me to come play with them, but it's a weekday, so they're all at school."

"Kinda glad we don't have school." Darwin remarked, as he sat back on the couch. "Wait, kids? They adore you or something?"

Gumball sat with him, slightly smiling. "No dur dude, we're cartoon characters. Who do you think our audience is?" 

"..I'm still kinda getting used to the whole 'being cartoons' thing.." The fish said, putting air quotes as he spoke. "..I can't imagine you were taking it any better by yourself.."

The cat coughed, glancing away for a moment. "..No. You.. Kinda get used to it after a while. It's not like we're super fake or anything, our world is still sort of real if we managed to get here."

"It's still a scary thought though.." Darwin paused from his meal, frowning. "We've been watched our whole lives on a tv screen.. Every movement, every word.."

"Hey," Gumball placed a hand on his head, thanks to lack of a shoulder. "You shouldn't let it bother you too much.. There's.. Not much we can do about it. It's scary yeah.. But I'd rather try to keep living then dread it, y'know?.."

Darwin thought for a moment, before smiling. "Yeah, that's true."

"So uh.." The cat awkwardly sat there, finishing his breakfast. He soon waited for the other to do so as well. "..Do you wanna just walk around or something? It's not like we have a whole lot to do."

"Alright," Darwin replied, as he slightly shrugged, getting off the couch. "I didn't really see you as a 'let's go get some fresh air' kinda person."

"Well it was either that or watching TV all day. I mean hey, maybe we'll have an adventure or two." Gumball got up as well, as they made their way out.

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