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"I'm coming!" Marcie walked up to the door, ushering Gumball and Darwin to hide. The two nodded, quickly disappearing into a hiding spot. She wasn't sure where, but that wasn't on her mind right now.

She opened the door, and was greeted with two men in black suits and shades, one blond, one auburn. "Um.. Hello?"

"We apologize on disturbing your peace like this," The blond man said, acting rather kind sounding. "But we're here to confirm if you had recieved the message left on your doorstep."

Marcie nodded, doing her best to play her part. She couldn't afford to slip up. She pointed to the paper that rested on the table, as she talked. "Yeah, saw it as soon as I got home a couple minutes ago. So what is this about?.. Some.. Cartoon?"

"Neighbors had reported seeing some sort of cat like cartoon character around the area." The auburn man said, more stern compared to the other. He fixed his shades slightly.

"What? That doesn't make sense Mr.... Who are you?"

"Howard East." He looked at her with a deep frown. "And my partner, Steve Ascot."

"Alright, Mr. East." Marcie gave a look of confusion. "This doesn't make sense. Cartoon characters just don't suddenly walk around here, you know what I mean?"

Mr. East didn't react to that comment really. He instead continued, almost as if she had never spoken. "Some reports claim that the thing would melt suddenly, with strange abilities that have worried parents."

"So.. That's a threat?" Marcie questioned.

"Considerably yes." Mr. Ascot replied. "The flood of reports had worried our team, so East and I were sent to investigate, and possibly locate the creature. With the statements we have, it can be considered a danger to the public."

Marcie crossed her arms, almost fighting the urge to chew them out then and there. She knew Gumball was in earshot of the conversation, and the thought of it upset her. "Sorry, I haven't seen anything like that around here. I've been caught up with work and family matters recently."

"We understand. Apologies for bothering you Miss Williams. If there is any information you have, call us with the number on the message." Mr. East straightened, as he and Mr. Ascot swiftly left.

Marcie closed the door, letting out a sigh of relief. She couldn't help but feel uneasy however. "Alright, they're gone. You guys can come out now.."

Gumball and Darwin cautiously poked out from the small hallway, worry in both of their eyes, and that of dread. This had confirmed her belief that they had heard the whole thing. They soon came back into the living room.

"...I'm so screwed." Marcie covered her face with her hands, as she sunk to the floor. "I can't believe I just lied to the entire US Government.."

"Well.. At least they didn't see us.." Darwin said, slight optimism in his voice. His worry was hard to hide.

"...Though we might not be so lucky next time." Gumball added, shoving his hands into his pockets, as he too shared their fears. "..This kinda opens a whole can of worms though.. Do we have to start hiding now?.."

"I don't think we have a choice.." Marcie lifted her head, regretful of her words. It was a big decision, they all knew it. "If they catch you outside, they'll stop at nothing to hunt you down.."

"Never thought I'd be the one living like a weird 80s alien movie.." The cat uttered sarcastically. "What next? Are they gonna try to experiment on us to see how we tick?"

"I don't know, maybe." Marcie glanced over at the note on the coffee table. "We'll have to play it safe.. Just in case."


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