XVII: Black Demon Hound: Land of Bad Dogs (II)

Comenzar desde el principio

That's absurd.

"Then, let us see this catastrophe," Ciel provoked Barrymore, which made him mad.

What if something bad will happen?


After dinner, I can't stop wondering if the dogs will get out of their cages and began attacking us. Seconds continued and other thousand possible ways that I might die tonight filled my silly head.

"Your Grace, I recommend that you stayed in the same room as the Young Master," Sebastian requested.

"What made you say that," I asked curiously as I raised my left eyebrow. You're planning something again, are you?

"Young master noticed that you have been holding your sword-stick throughout the entire time," he said and looked at the object that my right hand wouldn't dare let go.

"I didn't notice," I mumbled.

I give in to his proposal, since I don't want him to think that I am scared of anything. I am scared but I wouldn't dare show that to this demon.

Though it might be safer, just in case.

If something will happened to me, Ariel and Adrian will not be happy.


It was dark outside and only candles lit up the room.

I sat across the couch where Ciel was sitting and stared at the cover of the book he was reading, while Sebastian stood near the window.

I stood up and walked behind his chair. I put my arms above the cushion to support my chin and to see what he was reading.

What's so nice about this book? Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"You may enter," Ciel said and didn't bother to look up from his book.

"My Lord, I recommend that you should leave the village as soon as possible," She pleaded after she entered the room and when she saw me she bowed.

Luckily I wasn't wearing my sleeping clothes.

"Young master is about to retire for the night," Sebastian intruded.


A howl is heard from the outside and I instinctively held my sword-cane very firmly.

"It's the Demon Hound," Angela said with a fear in her voice before she screamed.

We went to the window and saw a glowing entity that resembled a dog run down the road leaving luminous footprints behind.

Then we heard the people in the village alarming each other about the demon hound.

As we head outside of the castle we were greeted by the four who are currently in their bedclothes and also the people of the village.

"Someone got punished!"One of the village men alarmed us and immediately we went to see the victim.

It was the man I saw who petted his dog, a man they called James.

Without any hesitation Ciel examined him. I decided to help out, since two pairs of eyes is always better than one.

When took a turn to looked closely at him, I saw bite marks on his arms and legs while his clothes are almost torn to pieces.

As I was to putting two fingers over his carotid vein on his neck, to see if he was still breathing, someone shouted, interrupting my examination, which Barrymore.

Black Cat's Diaries Series: 1888Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora