XII: Red Spider Lily: Man of the Night (II)

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"On some grave business, soft and slow

Along the garden paths you go

With bold and burning eyes,

Or stand with twitching tail to mark

What starts and rustles in the dark

Among the peonies."

-A.C. Benson


December 1st 1888:

London, England


Two moons had passed and only one victim.

Since August, they are at least one victims for each month except October and the recent victim stroked again last month in November.

During the ninth of last month it was at Miller's Court near Dorset Street, the street I patrolled on All Hallows' Eve.

This body's treatment  was more severely than the last four victims. All organs were present but removed from their place. They lay disarray outside her body as if mocking her.

The Ripper played with her, sliced her open, to the point that he spoiled himself. Left her in that condition because she doesn't satisfy his need, never bothered to take anything from her corpse.

What was his purpose? Was he angry that the people had forgotten him last October and took his anger on Kelly?

Why postponed in October? Does the Ripper celebrate All Hallows' Eve?

The important mystery is that all about the Ripper remained a mystery.

Plus, my grandparents are coming over here. Soon.

I hope all of them will be more supportive of my decision this time.

Also, No sign of that girl.

Maybe she really is from the country.

With the same companion as Ariel and Adrian.


2nd Week of December 1888:

London, England


Yesterday, I told Adrian to vacate all of my plans for the rest of this month and let my family advisors deal with the family businesses.

I finished all the jobs related to Hell two days ago and that's all 'til next year.

I decided that my time will be spent on the nuisance Ripper and my lovely grandparents.

I started my day at the loft on the second floor.

I began to sketch the snow-covered forest in the distance, as a way to pass time.

"Khaine, is it alright for you to wear a dress? What if there's an unannounced guest at the door?" Adrian asked.

"It's alright. Just show them the door or tell them that I'm ill," I said as I concentrated on sketching. The falling snowflakes. No one wants to catch a cold.

"What are you sketching, this time?" Adrian asked.

He peered behind my shoulder to look at the sketch. Then, he rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt like the room is getting warm.

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