I: Black Cat: Headquarters

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"I would he had? 'Twas you incens'd the rabble;

Cats, that can judge as fitly of his worth

As I can of those mysteries which heaven

Will not have earth to know."

- William Shakespeare's Coriolanus: Act IV, S2


It is spring and I expected the thirteen-year-old girl and her guardians to stay in Wales. But it looks like she will be here in London. London is not that undesirable, but I don't usually prefer cities. It's too crowded and crimes are very common, not that I'm complaining.

I think London is best for her. A city that is full of mysteries, especially during this era and a little adventure will do her some good. If you can see her entire life, you will understand what I meant. Her life was not that bland, but I do prefer to add a little bit of spice.

Last month, I passed by here from one of my adventures; though, I did not expect myself to be back here again and stare at this forty-year old mansion.

The Mansion sat somewhere in the outskirts of London. It is surrounded and hidden deep inside a dark forest and thus, allowed itself to have privacy from the city. If you listen carefully, the sound of running waters from the river can be heard in the distance.

Other than the river, many witnesses claimed that they heard whispers and sometimes, encountered apparitions while on their afternoon walks at this side of the forest. Although, I might say that they are not incorrect on that one.

As the sun rises every day, it happily greets the black-roofed and red-brown brick walled mansion. This Victorian-style mansion is one of the many properties owned by the Blackrose Family.

The building faced the west, meeting the morning star that wakes up the citizens every morning. At the entrance, on the first floor, there are four columns that covered the main door which led to the foyer.

The onyx-colored foyer is at the main entrance. If a person stands in the foyer and looks straight ahead, they will see the stair-hall, and the large double-doors of the grand-hall.

The grand-hall is next to the covered and open verandas that sat at the back of the residence, which faces the forest beyond.

An oval-shaped study room's location on the left side of the foyer and has doors for the foyer, stair hall and secret room. It is adjacent to the Master's dressing room, bathroom and bedroom.

On the right side of the foyer is the dining hall. The dining hall has a door that leads to the kitchen.

The kitchen bordered the stair-hall, staffs' quarter, morning room and the carriages' and stables.

On the second floor, there is a guest room, with its own bath and sitting room.

Then down the hall there are two bedrooms with bathrooms, but only one of them has its own sitting room.

In addition, there are upper grand salon, upper foyer, a loft and attics.

As usual, the two most 'trusted' servants, or as the 'Master' of the Mansion insisted, 'Guardians' starts their day an hour ahead before the Master. They begin by cleaning the somewhat eight thousand square feet, doubled-floor Mansion. Of course, this pair of guardians are not normal or per se, 'Human' and finishes the tasks within half an hour. These two took the appearances of a nineteen-years-old young man and woman. No matter how many times they enshroud themselves, they can't hide the fact that they are considered attractive, based on the standard of this society and mankind.

Black Cat's Diaries Series: 1888Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz