Magic, Books, and Sleepy Kisses

Start from the beginning

I'm just moving to get a new set of clothes when Baz comes out of the bathroom. His hair falls in a lazy wave in his face and I want nothing more than to reach out and tuck it behind his ear. We're enemies. I know that. And wanting to do these things to him is so wrong. But then... why does it feel so right?
"Snow." He nods at me once and then goes back to fixing his tie. Oh. He's just going to pretend it never happened. We glance nervously at each other a few times in the mirror, but we don't say anything. He doesn't sneer at me, so maybe that's a good sign. I feel like I should say something. I think I should bring last night up, but before I can get the chance to squeak out the words, he's out the door and heading for breakfast. I frown to myself all while I'm getting showered and clothed. I notice that Baz took a shower this morning, too. Was it just to avoid me?

When I get down to the dining hall, I notice that Baz isn't there even though he left way before me. I think he must be down at the Catacombs, but he usually feeds at night. (Or so I presume. It's not like he'd actually tell me.) Is he eating this morning to avoid me, too?

"Simon?" I hear, but it sounds hundreds of miles away. "Simon," Penny hisses at me. I break out of my stupor and look at her. Her brows are knit together and she's frowning. "You've barely touched your food all morning and you keep staring off into space. What's wrong with you?" I just shake my head at her.

"Actually... Pen, can we talk?" She looks concerned as she nods her head, prompting for me to go on. She is my best friend. I should just tell her and get her input. Because not only is she my best friend, but she's also smart, and she'll know what to think about all this. "Well don't freak out on me, but um- I kissed Baz last night!" It all comes out in a flurry, and when she doesn't look surprised, I tell her again. Slower this time. "Penny. I kissed Baz. And I think I liked it. I think I want to do it again." It's the first time I've even admitted that to myself, and Penny doesn't even look surprised! In fact, she just grins at me.

"No shit, Sherlock," I look at her dumbfounded, so she continues. "You only talk about him all. The time. It took you long enough to bloody figure it out, you tit!" She laughs. I want to say that when I kissed Baz last night, the possibility had only just occurred to me. But Penny is making me think twice. Like fifth year, when I didn't stop following him down to the Catacombs because I thought he was plotting. I still think he was plotting (and probably is right now, too), but I think some part of me was just worried about him.

"Okay, fine. So maybe I've liked him for a while, but I need your help. This morning after we had kissed, he just went on like it never happened. He took a shower this morning and is feeding down in the catacombs right now to avoid me. It's not like he doesn't know it happened; we slept in the same bed together!" Penny raises a curious eyebrow so I clarify, "Not like that! We fell asleep after he was reading to me. We kissed and then fell asleep. And now he's acting like it never happened and I don't know what to make of it." She thinks for a moment, looking at me.

"Did he kiss you back?" She finally asks me. I nod my head. He did kiss me back and Aleister Crowley, it was wonderful. So soft. Holding none of the anger he usually holds towards me. "So we know he likes you. Or at least some part of him, buried way down deep that only comes out when he's tired likes you. So you just have to make him say it somehow..." She quirks her nose and stares off into space for a moment, debating.

I could just corner him in one of our classes today. Snog him silly. His lips on mine and my hands running through his soft hair. I'm fucked. Whatever he feels for me, I am absolutely wrecked for the git. I could tell him how I feel in our room tonight. There's always a chance of him rejecting me, but at least if he hits me he'll be the one kicked out.

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