Part 6

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LAUREN was amazed in Camila's room because it was so feminine, it's not that she didn't went before in Camila's apartment it was just she didn't even try to get in to Camila's room. Then Camila put her down on the bed and she lied down after she arranged the pillows.

"Hey my Ducati where is it?"

"In the garage and it's still in good condition they can't still find the key since Shawn threw it away so they just hopped it in the pick-up, but your helmet had a scratch."

And Lauren sighed, she was sad about her baby Ducati, "at least she's in good condition, I can buy another helmet."

"Don't worry Officer Hansen said she will find it for you," and she went to her dresser and took out the phone, "I have your phone," and she handed it to Lauren.

Lauren accepted it, she turn it on and she have 342 miscalls, 546 msgs.

"I already called your boss and he said to get in shape, you still have the work since you're his best worker, he was worried."

And Lauren got smiled remembering his kind-hearted boss Simon Cowell, "well he looks like a father to me."

"I know."

"I know you had to run some errands, don't mind me and I can move, I need it, go visit Shawn he needs you."

"I don't need to visit him, you already know that and please don't make me repeat it again to you that I ended up things with him and I couldn't forgive him for what he'd done to you."

"Is it my fault?"

"No, a big no, you just did what is right and that is for sticking beside me."

"Sorry for intruding."

"No Lauren, we're on and off, I can forgive him for what he'd done to me, but to you," and she shook her head, "no, sorry is not enough," and she touch her both cheeks, "he almost took you away from me and not be able to see you again, I will not wait for that time that I would totally lose you, okay?"

"Okay, if you say so but that doesn't mean you will stop your routine because of me."

"No, you didn't," and she stood, "get more rest I will take care of our dinner."

"Okay, thank you."

"No Lauren, you don't have to say that."

"Alright," and she gave her a smile.

"Call me if you want something."

"I will."

"I'm just in the kitchen," and she left.

She roamed her eyes and in the side table she saw their picture, it was taken during the Festival.

"She still had it," and she reach for the books and read some.

After reading, she saw a photo album. She doubted to reach it because she know it was Shawn and Camila, but still she took it.

LAUREN opened the photo album. In the first page, she read, 'MY HAPPIEST MOMENT IN LIFE' then she turn it again by page. Her eyes widen when she saw her own face, drawn by a pencil, every features of her face was detailed in that drawing, her nose, her lips.

'She's thinking of me while she drawed this, I didn't knew about this,' and she turn it again.

Lauren saw once again her face, but this time it's a picture with Camila, it was a lot of pictures and she remembered all of it. In the other page, she read, 'my Lolo's first letter,' and she got smile. She even remembered her letter for her. It stated:

My Dearest Camzi,

Sorry for this past few days because I'm not with you I just got

new job in AutoMoto Shop. I've been busy, that's why. But I

promise babawi ako sa'yo. Thank you for everything. You're my

dearest friend I will never leave you. I promise that. Happy Birthday.

Hope you like my gift. I love you.


"And where is that pendant?" and she sighed and turn again to the other page.

Still it was her and Camila. But she was puzzled she didn't saw a picture of Shawn and Camila. Cause in the whole album which turned 30 pages, it was just her and Camila. Then she return the album in its rightful place so Camila will not notice that she opened it.

'Am I her happiest moment?'

She kept thinking about it until Camila came back.

"Lauren?" and she saw her lying but awake, "why you didn't take a rest?"

"I'm 1 month asleep, how could I sleep again?"

"You..," then she sat on the bed, "yes you're asleep but you're fighting against the grim reaper."

"I'm not tired and I'm not sleepy."

"Fine, do you want to eat, food is ready."

And Lauren nod, "I miss your cooking, I'm done with the hospital foods and it sucks."

"No worries about it, it's not take out, I'm the one who cook it."

"I know."

"I will just get it," and Lauren stop her by holding her hand when she was about to stand up.

"We will eat there no need to bring it here, I can stand and I need this, I hate taking care of my wounds."

"It's still fresh."

"I'm okay now, I can do it and I will not move much."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, trust me," and she slowly get up.

And Camila smiled, "always," and she guide her when Lauren was about to get up off the bed.

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