Part 3

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IN the police precinct, Camila saw Shawn with its lawyer and she almost didn't recognize him, it's different from what she saw on him, the reason why she loved him because of his angelic and handsome face but today she felt different towards him.

"Shawn..," then she got his attention.

"Sweetheart..," and he immediately reach her and embrace her tight, "sweetheart, thank God you're here, tell them the truth that it's not me, they accused me of killing Lauren."

And Camila remember Lauren's face, her wounds in the arms, full of cuts in the face and bruises.

"What are you trying to say Mendes, she's the one who informed where you are," Officer Hansen said with anger in her voice, "an innocent woman who you wanted to kill, you're not in yourself!" she continued in exclaimed, she lose her temper.

And Shawn's lawyer interrupt, "watch your words Officer Hansen, we might charge you for what you said to my client."

And Officer Hansen rolled her eyes and Officer Hamilton patted her shoulder for her to calm down.

And Shawn stare at to Camila, he couldn't believe what he had heard, "sweetheart..."

"They were right I'm the one who informed them—who are you? Who are you to judge Lauren? She's my bestfriend," and her tears fall, "I wanted to break up with you so many times but she always told me to talk about it with you, that we had just a misunderstanding and now you're doing this to her? I'm a fool of continuing loving you and believing in your lies!"

"It's because she's an asshole! A total dumbass!"

"YOU ARE THE ASSHOLE!! THE DUMBASS!! I sacrifice my time with her for you and sacrifice my time with her even though she needed me the most! SCREW YOU!!! You took all of my time," she said in rage, "I waste my time because of you, "

"You always said Lauren! LAUREN! LAUREN!! LAUREN!!! I'M TOTALLY SICK OF IT!!!" and he receive a slap from Camila from his left and to his right cheek, he was lucky enough when the dark woman officer which is Officer Hamilton stopped Camila for attacking Shawn.

"It's that the reason why you wanted to kill her? You're pathetic," Camila said in distaste.

And Officer Hansen stepped in, "Mr. Shawn Mendes my co-officer told you already your rights and you seemed to understand what it was and since you're over 18 it means you're going to jail, we will detain you here until your arraignment," and she turn to Camila, "ma'am since Ms. Jauregui is comatose and she had no other relatives we encourage you to file a case against Shawn Mendes and the others."

"I will surely do."

And Officer Hansen faced Shawn, "enjoy the night here Mendes."

"And when I got out of here I will make sure Jauregui will be rest in peace."

And the lawyer face palmed his self because they were really in trouble. It's direct evidence!

And Officer Hansen and Officer Hamilton smirked.

"Ooh direct evidence," Officer Hansen said in a smirk and she face Shawn's lawyer, "goodluck attorney."

And the attorney whispered angrily in Shawn, "why did you do it?! It will be used against you!"

"I don't care and just do your job you fuck!"

And Camila said, "try it you asshole before you regret it, my stomach lurch everytime I saw you," and she left to go to fiscal for filing a report. 

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