Part 5

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IT'S hard for Lauren to move much because her body is still in bruise but Dr. Hernandez advice her to do it slowly with the help of Camila. It's awkward too because she doesn't know if Camila pitied or felt guilty for what happened to her because of its boyfriend Shawn Mendes and she don't like that feeling. But Camila insisted to help her and she will let her. She also got a visit from her friend Officer Hamilton and Officer Hansen whom she develop a friendship because of her frequent in and out of Miami, since the two is stationed near the border of Miami. Camila confirmed her hints about Officer Hamilton and Hansen that the two had a thing, when Lauren joked about it and the officers is blushing like a teenager. She also received a news that Camila is pursuing to file a case against Shawn Mendes and the other 4 suspects and it's schedule for hearing after the arraignment of the 5 which they plead not guilty and schedule for a hearing next week. She was grateful enough for Camila to pursue it even though she was against for its boyfriend.

WHEN the days passed by, Lauren slowly recovered, her speaking is not stuttering anymore. But can't avoid Lauren's sweetness towards the nurse who always check her status, she was jealous of course because everytime she went in to Lauren's room she always caught them laughing and the nurse quickly excuse herself when she get in.

"Are you flirting that nurse?"

"Uhm her name is Lucy Vives and not, I'm not flirting with her, she just entertained me."

"Really huh," and she crossed her arms in her chest "really not good for your recovery Jauregui," she said sarcastically raising her eyebrow.

And Lauren sighed clearly seeing that Camila is pissed, "I know that, it's just I'm bored, maybe after," and she smiled.

"Jauregui!" she was mad now.

And Lauren chuckled, "relax Camz I'm just kidding you know, chill."

"Not a good joke," and she saw her staring at her, "what?"

"Are you jealous of her?"

And her heat rise up to her face, "F.Y.I I'm not jealous and besides I'm beautiful than her, duh."

And Lauren smiled, "I'm glad to hear that from you Camz because to tell you the truth she is already married," and she saw Camila's mouth gape, "I told you right she was entertaining me and mind you she always checking my BP for all this month and I'm grateful for her."

And Camila look down, she was hurt, "Lauren am I not enough? Just tell me because I will fill those holes."

"Camz it's enough for me that you're here taking care of me, despite of what you do to Shawn even though he's your boyfriend, you know, you really don't have to do it, you're your boyfriend and I'm just your bestfriend."


"Camz—you don't have to fill those holes you think that there is because there's none, you have no idea what I'm talking about."

"Lauren—okay.., but about Shawn, Lauren he hurt you, he almost killed you and I cannot atone it, I almost lose you..."


"And what do you mean I have no idea?"

"You will know when the right time comes."

'Is it because you love me? Is that the reason? Lauren don't regret the love you have for me, please baby, because I slowly understand now, I slowly fell in love with you,' "okay, I will wait for that time, if you say so."

"Thank you," and she sighed.

"Are you having a hard breathing?"

"I'm fine Camz."

"Okay Lo," 'I know you're hurt and I'm sorry for my absence, from this day on I will take care of you and that is forever,' "uhm about the hearing, they still deny it after so many evidences that was presented in the court."

"I know Shawn, he will deny it, I'm not surprised."

"You seemed to know him more than me."

"It's because you only see his good sides and I know him for his bad sides."

"Really, how silly I am."

"You just love him."

"Not anymore, I can't love the man who hurt my precious person," and she saw her smiling even though Lauren's eyes were closed, "it's the truth Lo."


LAUREN was discharge from the hospital after a week, she got more energy now than before but her wounds is still fresh, so not moving too much to stress her body and need for assistance so her wounds will not open up and get infection. And now Camila is with her to assist her and taking her home.

"Uhm—why we are here in your apartment..?" Lauren asked when she realized that Camila took her in its own apartment.

"So I can take care of you."


"Don't be a baby okay, I don't want to get a call that you're hurt because I will surely dead worried."

Lauren examined Camila's face searching for further explanation when she found sincerity she bumped her head on Camila's forehead, "you're overreacting."

"I am not and it hurts you know, don't bump your forehead against mine again."

And Lauren smiled, "I'm just saying you don't have to worry too much to me and if you get sick you're heavier than me."

And Camila crossed her arm against her chest and pouted, "so you can't carry me, is that what you're trying to say?"

"Yes," and Camila pinched her cheek and she pinch her nose. It was their way of teasing each other. But they just realize that they were staring at each other for awhile now and they both got blush, especially Camila. "L-Let's get in."

"Y-Yeah—sure..," 'I'm just her bestfriend.'

And they get in to the apartment.

"I'll be fine here in the couch," and she sit.

"No Lauren, we'll take my bedroom," and she pull her up.

"I'll be fine here."

"In my room," she insists.

"Here," and she pull her.

Camila shriek when she fell in Lauren's lap and her arms are around Lauren. Once again the brown one met the emerald one. Camila even feel her husky breath brushing across her face.

"I'll be fine here," Lauren said, taking out the tension in the room.

"In my room Lo, you're too tall for the couch."

"Just let me Camz..," and Camila pointed its forehead against her forehead, the very first time she look so closely at Camila's brown eyes.

"Please Lo, you're doing the same to me if I get sick, you even carry me."

"It's because you're not heavy that time."

"You're so mean."

"Let me stay here in the couch."

"No, don't be stubborn," and she stood pulling Lauren up, "come on Lo."

And Lauren sighed, a sign of giving up, "fine, you're my boss—for now," and Camila pointed its nose to her nose.

"Very good," and she stood then pull her up.

Lauren followed and straightened through the room.

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