He only shrugged in response."Rude." I muttered as I left to grab the duster.


When I came back, he still had his head buried in the book, and I sighed at this before walking to the bookshelf and swiping the duster inside. When I pulled it out after one swipe, it looked like it had been used for ages. Dust covered almost every single feather, dust bunnies were the size of my fist, my fist, and only Maria knows what else covered the poor duster."This is disgusting." I exclaimed, and I heard him sigh. "I don't generally trust people to clean my things, so I never allow them to." He explained, and I slowly nodded, a little in understanding, a little in disgust.

Then that means he trusts me enough to do this...

The thought sent my heart racing and my face flushed red.

Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!

I kept shouting in my head about how stupid I was as I continued to try and clean his stupid shelves, realizing just how hard this was going to be.


When I finally made his shelf look normal, I swiped my forehead in relief before stopping and groaning.

I still have a dozen other chores to do...

I sighed before leaving the study to find a bucket of water and a towel. I found a bucket in a nearby storage closet and a towel in the same place before shuffling towards a laundry room to fill up the bucket. I made my way back to his study and opened the door before walking over to the windows.

By now he had shifted over to writing on a scroll and marking a map. I dipped my towel in the water before sliding the curtain open. I was surprised to see that it was almost spotless.

Why am I cleaning this?!

I decided not to question the guy in charge of my food income and started wiping away at the window as if it hadn't been cleaned in decades. My arms started growing tired from all the scrubbing, and I grit my teeth in frustration.

It looks the exact same!

I then noticed that I wouldn't be able to reach the top right corner, so I stepped onto the tile windowsill. As I was wiping the window down, I failed to realize the water dripping onto the windowsill, and I also failed to remember how slippery tile can get when wet.

I then realized that I was too far away from the left side of the window, so I sidestepped to the left. I touched the windowsill with my toes, my heel hanging off the edge before my toes just had to slip off.

With a yelp, I was careening backwards. I braced myself for impact, my eyes squeezed tightly for when I would hit the ground.

But I never felt the horrible sensation of all the air leaving my lungs or the harsh bump of my body hitting the floor. Instead, I felt a soft yet firm grip catch me instead.

I opened my eyes and was met with icy blue ones. Levi had caught me like I was a bride, and I blushed at how he held my body close to him in a protective manner.

After a moment, his face flushed a light pink, and we both just stared at each other for a moment.T hen he abruptly set me down on my feet and coughed. "If I had known you were this clumsy I wouldn't have asked you to be my friend."

"Please, you adore me," I said as I was trying to sound casual, but really, my heart was beating so hard that I could practically hear it, and I was afraid he could too. "I'm sorry if it seemed that way, but that is most certainly not the case." He replied, and I scoffed."Whatever." I muttered, and he chuckled before walking back towards his desk.

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