When I got there, the door was slightly cracked, and I sighed. I guess I didn't shut it well enough."You have an awesome nose!" I exclaimed at the pup, realizing that he was able to track me from such a long distance just with his incredible sense of smell."Now I know who to go to if I ever lose something." I muttered, the dog wagging his tail in response.

I smiled and rubbed his head before setting him down on the floor. He looked up at me and gave a small blink before running to the bed and crawling beneath it. I chuckled at his antics and softly shut the door, making sure it was shut this time.


"Remember when we first met?" He asked, and I stopped sweeping to look at him."Yes. I'm going to be honest, I thought I was dead." I said with a nervous laugh as I rubbed the back of my neck. He let out a wry chuckle and crossed his arms over his chest as he laid back in his seat."That dog was quite annoying." He mumbled, and I pouted. "He's adorable!" I corrected, and he rolled his eyes."Brats and their dogs..." he muttered with distaste.

I sarcastically scoffed and made a 'hmph' sound. "I'll have you know he's the sweetest little thing I've ever known," I stated, and Levi shook his head. He raised his arms above his head as he stretched, and I sighed."Men and their work..." I muttered, and that made him freeze as I turned around to start sweeping again, a smirk on my face."Whatever..." he mumbled, making me softly chuckle."But seriously, that dog was such a scruff-" I cut him off as the word left his mouth."Schalk!" I exclaimed as I thought about it.

It's perfect!

Levi seemed a little freaked out about my outburst and looked at me with a raised eyebrow."Schalk? What the hell does that mean?" He asked, and I smiled even brighter. "Schalk is German for scruff. That's what I'm gonna name him!" I exclaimed as I thought about it.

It fit him perfectly!

"You mean to tell me that during the month that he resided with you, you hadn't thought of a suitable name?" He asked, and I pouted."Being creative is hard." I replied with a whiny tone."Whatever baby." He replied with one raised cheekbone, signifying a smirk."Yeah, okay Mr Sugarcoated- pancake-fruit." I said, and he shot up.

"Hey!" He shouted, and I let out the cackle I had been holding and held my hand over my mouth as I let out laugh after laugh. Eventually, I heard him let out a good hearty chuckle, which caught me off guard a bit, but I finally calmed down."I'm sorry, but you left yourself right open for that." I said through giggles."I will remember to keep my secrets to myself." He replied with his arms crossed over his chest again.

I shook my head with a carefree smile and continued on with sweeping. After a while of sweeping and a few exchanges of words, I had finished his study and smiled in satisfaction. Even though it's just gonna be as messy as it was before I cleaned it tomorrow. I sighed as I knew I was right and turned around to look at Levi."I'm done for the day." I said with a small smile, and he looked up at me.

Then he shifted his gaze to the floor and nodded his head in approval. "Good. Wait in the hall if I need you." He said after he inspected the wooden planks, and I nodded."Have a good day your highness." I said with a bow.

I made my way to the door but before I could turn the knob, I was interrupted by a demanding 'wait.' I turned around and he stared at me straight in the eye through my fallen pieces of hair.

"Tell anyone about the food and I will kill you." He stated, and I chuckled."There go my plans." I sarcastically said and shut the door behind me, but not before giving him a reassuring smile.

Don't worry, you're secret is safe with me...Pancake boy.


I wasn't called inside his study for the rest of the day, so when the sun vanished behind the horizon, I was free to go to bed. I did just that and started walking down the hallway to get to my room. When I opened the door, Schalk ran to me and jumped on his hind legs before using my leg for balance with his paws."Hey buddy." I grabbed under his arms and held he little guy in front of me so I could look him in the eyes as I spoke to see the reaction.

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