chapter 6

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Camila's POV

I park my car and hop out, not sure where I'm going but I'm just walking. About an hour later I can see the whole city before me, high up in the warm Miami air I stand on the edge of the cliff, taking a deep breath I lay down peering over the edge.

Not sure what to think or what I'm thinking, all I know is my thoughts are crowded. "I'm gay, and I like my bestfriend." That sums up my whole life right now in a sentence.

Lauren's POV

I walk down the hallways still confused as to why no one knows where camila went. I see Dinah and wave her over.

"Have you seen Camz?"

"Nah she said she'd be here tho but never came and her phone's off or something"

"I have something to announce to the crew but I guess Camila's just gonna hear it second hand then"


A/N: this is a real short update so y'all know I'm not giving up on this fix yet however the workload from the first marking period is somewhat drowning me, so once I get my school work done I'll try to upload more. Thanks for reading

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