chapter 1

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Lauren was in her last class of the day and of course she sat right next to Camila. They were both too distracted with their normal side conversations and jokes that the bell rang and Camila had to go. Lauren watched as Camila happily jumped into Shawn's arms as they left, it hurt. She mentally cursed herself for the millionth time for falling for something so unrealistic and unreachable.

Lauren chuckled to herself  and left the room to go to practice.

After practice ended Lauren decided to go for a stroll through the streets hoping it could clear her head. Throwing all her practice gear in her car she drove to the beach and took a stroll along the shore, breathing in the warm Miami air. She laid down on the sand and stared into the night sky getting lost in the stars.

She was pulled out of her trance when she got hit in the head with a frisbee.

"Ouch damnit, who the hell plays frisbee at night" she whined.

"I'm so sorry, my brother thought it was a good idea to play catch with flying objects in the dark," the girl on the beach apologized.

"It's alright it was just a frisbee," Lauren waved her off hoping for them to leave her alone.

"Alright, again, I'm sorry Lauren."

With that Lauren looked over at the girl, "how'd you know my name?"

"uhhh we kinda go to the same school, I'm in your english class, Ariana, you can call me Ari" she smiled

"Right, Ariana- Ari" Lauren gave her an awkward smile a took a good look at her. She had brown eyes, brown hair, cute dimples and a sharp jawline.

With the silence getting awkward an Lauren's intense staring Ariana finally broke the silence "uh, how bout I make it up to you some other time, I have to get back to my brother and yeah you should maybe get an ice pack considering he threw the frisbee pretty hard, later Lauren" and she walked away.

Still confused, Lauren groaned and got up to drive home.

Once she got home she plopped down on her bed and immediately drifted off to sleep.


A/N: Lauren meets Ariana let me know if you guys want Camren endgame.

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