chapter 3

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~Lauren's PoV~

After Ariana and I finished 'studying' we were on the couch watching American Horror Story, not sure when it happened but we ended up cuddling and wrapped in one of the couch blankets. soon we ended up drifting off to sleep together, and no one woke us up since Chris and Taylor were upstairs and our parents were away until tomorrow afternoon.

"Lauren, I don't mind you and your girlfriend together but could you guys at least turn the TV off?"

I looked up to see Chris staring me down, then looked to my right to see a stirring Ariana in my arms. Still barely awake and confused I remembered what happened, and girlfriend?

"Chris, she's not my girlfriend," I said while removing my arm from around Ariana.

"ok well I just hope you kept it in your pants and didn't get freaky on the couch while watching horror."

"CHRIS!" and with that he walked away. I can't believe he's that dumb to say such a thing. being embarrassed I quickly went in my room and started getting ready, not knowing Ariana followed me.

"Hey, Laur" startled, I turned around to see Ariana standing by my doorway.

"yeah Ari?"

"what did Chris mean by keep it in your pants?"

I sighed and looked at her "don't get freaked out or whatever but like I kinda have a penis, well I don't kinda have one, I do have one. But like I'd still like to stay on the down low about it, the only people that know are my little group of friends."

Ariana stared at me for a good second, not being able to read her expression I just looked to the ground already expecting her to run out of the house.

But know all she said was "oh cool"

looking up at her surprised "you don't think I'm a freak or it's weird?"

"well you're definitely not a freak, it is weird but I'd just say you're different, plus your body parts don't really define who you are, am I right?" with that I just smiled and nodded.

"sooo, do you wanna take a shower or something before getting to school?"

"thanks, yeah I'll take a shower but can we go get some breakfast on our way to school?"



After we left the house I drove us down the street to Starbucks to get Ari some coffee and something to eat, after that I drove us to school, as I approached to school and parked my usual parking spot, I looked around and awesome no Camila in sight allowing me to relax a bit and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

Ariana looked to me knowingly "is this about Camila?"

I looked at her stunned and confused, how'd she know, did Camila spread the word?

"laur, I'm not blind the whole school knows theres something between the two of you, sure you're best friends but friends don't act the way the two of you do"

"is it that obvious?" trying not too look at Ariana

"mhmm, so what's up, you can tell me"

"alright, I know this will make me sound like a fool, but yeah, I do like her and she has a boyfriend as you already know. So yesterday during my last class I told her how I felt, I know she doesn't feel the same but I just wanted to get it off my chest and be able to move on, maybe for closure? I'm not entirely sure, but I just felt like if I had kept it to myself it's get worse over time and eat away at me until I our friendship goes on the line." it's true I do value our friendship a lot considering Camila had been by my side for all these years and we know each other like the back of our hands, how she didn't sense that I like her? I don't know, she s always been a bit slow in certain areas.

Ariana listened to me intently then tilted my head so we were looking at each other at eye level "I'm proud that you have been able to come forward with your feelings for her, I think that was the right thing to do and the best, if she's truly your friend she'll give you an honest answer and the two of you will work your way around this" she said

"thanks Ari" I smiled

"no problem, anytime" she smiled back.

then we headed into the school and guess who was waiting at my locker? yep Camila, only her and no one else. I felt a comforting hand on my back, I turned to Ariana and she gave me an encouraging nod. I smiled then gave her a hug and watched her walk away. I took a deep breath and turned to Camila.

"hey camz"

"hey Lolo"


she smiled "sooo, are you and Aria-"

"yeah we got like really close within a day" I said, not sure why I cut her off.

"I see, well I have to give you an answer right?"

"well it's really ok, I just told you that I liked you mainly for closure and to move on I guess"

"ahh I see, but I to make things less awkward, I'm sorry that I'm not interested but I still love you dearly" ugh wrong word choice "uhh and I really home that we can work through this Lolo, because the friendship that we had was undeniably the best."

I sighed and looked her in the eyes, god damn her eyes "yeah I agree with you, lets keep it in the past and move on with this"

she nodded "well I guess I'll head to class now, see you at lunch?"

"yeah" and waved her off. I let out a breath and go going with my day.


A/N: how do you guys like the story so far and what would you guys like to see in this story? please let me know

QOTD: are there any pretty little liars fans here? if so could you recommend some other shows that are similar or you think are interesting?

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