chapter 4

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~Lauren's PoV~

As lunch time comes around I figured I'd end up having to see Camila with Shawn, and in all honesty, I'm actually not dreading to see her as much as I was this morning.

As I walk down the hall to the lunch room I spot Ariana and this other blonde girl in a heated conversation, it looks serious so me being me decides to approach them.

"hey Ari, you okay?" she turns around and I'm met with a red eyed Ariana with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.

I immediately look to the blonde girl while pulling Ariana in a hug "what's your deal blonde girl?"

"the name's Taylor and it's none of ur damn business"

"it's my business as much as I'm Ari's my friend"

"in that case none cuz she has no friends" she snickered and walked away.

"none is still more than anything you'll ever have" I yelled after her.

I turned to Ari stroking her back with my left hand "she's such a bitch and that insult didn't even work, ignore her"

"well I tried to until she made a joke about my parents" she cried

"damn that's next level low, wanna pay her a visit later?"

she looked up at me curiously

"well I mean I haven't pulled one of my shenanigans in a long time and I think we both need something fun to do so wanna hang out after class?"

she chuckled and nodded, I could barely hear a shaky "thanks Ren"

I quirked an eyebrow at her

"do you not like Ren? I'll just call you lau-"

"no, I like it, it's just that it's different than what people usually call me. But hey, wanna sit with my friends and I for lunch?"

she pulled away and wiped her tears "I'd love to but will they be ok with me tagging along?"

"more than positive they will" I smiled brightly at her and we walked to the lunch room together, then a thought popped in my head, have I moved on?

we made our way to the table and I introduced Ariana to all my friends.

"heyyyy welcome, I'm Shawn "

"I'm Dinah " Dinah smiled

"Normani, you can call me mani" Normani smiled

"I'm ally" she beamed and pulled Ariana in a hug

"hi" Camila said not looking up from her phone.

"nice to meet all of you, Ren has talked about all of you a few times, and you guys can call me Ari" Ariana smiled

"Ren, huh?" Camila smirked, she's doing that 'oh you think you're her best friend' act

"yeah she came up with it, I actually kinda like it, no one's ever called me that," I answered looking to a smiling Ariana.


~Camila's PoV~

I'm currently sitting at my lunch table and theres this new chick Ariana, not sure why but I just can't smile at her, even if I tried. I guess I'm just tired. Oh and don't even get me started on that new nickname she'd got fo Lauren. How many days has it been since she's met Lauren for her to call her by a nickname that no one else uses, it's like she's trying to steal MY Lolo. Wait she's not mine, scratch that thought but you know what I mean.

"what do we call this, Lauriana?" I hear Normani joking, and I look over to see Lauren and Ariana  blushing at each other. What the heck did Lauren forget about me already. Wait no, we cleared it this morning so it makes sense, and what's up with Normani. Why am I feeling this way, I got plenty of sleep last night. So why am I jealous? JEALOUS? I don't even like Lauren, I'm straight, ugh I'm such a mess and they're flirting in front of me.

I'm straight.

"I need to use the bathroom, excuse me" I excused myself and darted straight to the bathroom.

what's up with me?

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