chapter 5

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~Camila's PoV~

A few days have passed since Lauren's introduced us to Ariana and that Ariana girl is all over Lauren. Mani, D, Ally and even Shawn ship them, but I absolutely hate it call me jealous or whatever but she's taking away MY time from MY best friend.

I was pulled out of thought when I heard my phone ring, I sat up to to see it was a call from Dinah.

"hey Cheechee"



"ok so tomorrow after the movie we're gonna have a sleepover at mani's, are you coming?"

"yeah sure who's going, well I asked Shawn and he said yes, so you have to come whether you like it or not, mani's gonna be there since it's her house, ally's coming, Lauser's coming and she's bringing Ari" my brain short circuited at that "oh chancho you're also coming and last but not least I myself will also be there."

"really Ari? when did she start becoming part of this group?" I know that was rude but I couldn't help but ask why

"oh come on she's so sweet and funny" I rolled my eyes at that "and don't you want your best friend to be happy? Lauriana will rise and they'll make such cute babies. Honestly though Camren babies would be cuter if you'd open your eyes, but of course you're straight" she emphasized 'straight'. Camren was a name she made up fro Lauren and I, she shipped it and I think she still does.

"ugh whatever your Camren heart desires but it's not happening, I'll see you later at school, and why did you call me when you know you'll see me in a bit?"

"well I was overly excited and my Lauriana bursted she Lauren said she was bringing Ari so I had to share with you"

"k bye Cheechee, I'll see you in an hour"

------an hour later------

I make my way to the school's parking lot and first thing I see is Ariana flirting with MY best friend.

"ugh only if I could step harder on the gas petal but Lauren's also there so I guess that's a no"

I drive into my usual parking space and walk out of the car, and guess what happened. I watched Ariana kiss Lauren. SHE KISSED MY LAUREN!!!! There I said it. MY LAUREN. Yep I like her and my heart's being ripped out of my chest right now. Is this how it feels when I kiss Shawn in front of Lauren? Great and now she's moved on, and I'm stuck in the past. 

nope I'm done with the day. I get back in my car and drive to my safe spot. 


A/N: hey everyone ill be trying my best to get things uploaded especially since school just started so I'm trying my best to get everything together

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