Chapter 31 - Needles

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I'm so fucking proud of my girl

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I'm so fucking proud of my girl. Hell I'm proud just to say she's mine. The club voted unanimously to fund her bakery but when I talked about hiring contractors she said she wanted to do as much as she could on her own.

After work one night I went next door and found her watching a YouTube video on plumbing as she fixed the sink in the back. Reaper has been helping her with some of the bigger jobs because he has renovated his houses before. The place is almost ready and all within a month. Evie volunteered to paint a mural on the wall for Molly and she decided on a Parisian vibe which is going to look really cute, just like her.

I've been working on something for her and I finished it yesterday so now I'm done with my morning client I can finally show her.

"Careful Nonna, I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself." I hear Molly say as I step through the back door

"Oh relax child, I'm not going anywhere until there's a bun in this oven." Nonna replies

"Oh you're terrible." Molly giggles. I love how close Molly has become with my grandmother, it's more than I could've hoped for, that the woman I love loves my grandmother and my grandmother loves her too.

"So how many great grand babies am I giving you exactly? Because I have two brothers but my dad is the oldest of five." Molly asks

"Five sounds like a good number." Nonna replies

"Well I guess I can say goodbye to my figure." Molly jokes. I leave my surprise in the kitchen and creep forward

"Nonna you picking on my girl again?" I ask as I walk into the front

"I wouldn't do such a thing." Nonna smiles innocently

"What are you doing here?" Molly asks as she wraps her arms around my waist

"I have a surprise for you." I smile before kissing her softly, I'll never get enough of the feel of her lips on mine.

"You do?" She asks and I nod as I take her hand, she grabs Nonnas hand and guides her behind us as we head into the kitchen

"Oh my god." Molly gasps

"What is it? Are you proposing? About damn time." Nonna smirks

"No Nonna, I hand painted a sign for out front." I explain

"It's so beautiful." Molly smiles. The cream board simply says 'Mollys' in gold and black 3D cursive

"You did this all yourself?" She asks and I nod

"Thank you so much it's better than I could've imagined." She smiles as she charges at me and I catch her as she wraps her arms around me. When she lets go she describes it to Nonna

"My boy is talented." Nonna smiles

"He certainly is, I'll call Reaper see if he can help me put it up, I can't wait to see it out front." Molly says giddily as she pulls her cell from her pocket.

Twenty minutes later Reaper, Evie, Callum and Addy arrive

"Molly!" Callum yells as he runs in to her

"Hey big guy how's it going?" Molly says as she kneels down and they fist bump.

"We were at the clubhouse when you called, figured I'd tag along and see how it's going." Addy says looking around

"And I thought I would do a bit more on the mural while Reaper hangs the sign." Evie says holding up a caddy full of paint supplies.

"It's going good, the ovens got installed this morning and I did a trial with some croissants if anyone's hungry." Molly smiles pointing to a plate on the counter

"Hell yeah." Evie says as she rubs her pregnant belly and heads straight for them

"Good to see you again Mrs Maddox." Addy says as she sits beside Nonna

"Now Addy, I told you to call me Greta, we're family after all." Nonna replies.

"I'll get my tools out of my truck and we'll get the sign up." Reaper says

"Now don't I get a Hello?" Nonna asks

"Sorry Mrs Maddox how are you doing?" Reaper asks

"I'm blind dear come closer." Nonna says holding her arms out, he steps closer and she holds his face in her hands

"How old are you young man?" She asks

"I'm 36 ma'am." He replies

"Hmm you're a little older than I'd like but you'll do." Nonna says as her hands begin exploring his chest

"Nonna!" Molly scolds

"What? I've been a widow long enough, a toy boy would be good for me." Nonna shrugs

"It's fine by me, just have him back by bed time so he can help me put Callum down and then rub my feet." Evie smiles as Reaper looks uncomfortable as hell

"I better get my tools." He says as he makes a hasty retreat outside

"You are my kinda woman Greta." Addy laughs.

"And that is why I won't be taking you to the clubhouse any time soon Nonna." I say

"What? I'm old not dead. Maybe I should use that thing the kids do these days grinder? Or Tinker was it? Find me a little toy." Nonna asks innocently as Addy and Evie laugh.

"If only Ice was still single." Evie laughs.

"You ready?" Reaper asks

"I'll give you a hand." I nod

"No I'll do it, I want to do as much as I can." Molly smiles, I'm so proud of her, I was happy to hire people or get the club to help out but she's done so much herself and what she couldn't do she looked up online.

"Ok, but I'll hold the ladder after last time." I smirk and she blushes. As much as she's trying to do I've learned that she's clumsy as hell, she was trying to paint the ceiling and fell off the ladder, splashing paint all over herself, so I obviously had to help her shower. Then their was the time I was mid tattoo and the power went out, when I got here she had done something and electrocuted herself. I wanted to take her to the ER but she was too embarrassed so Doc came and checked her over.

"How does it look?" Molly asks as she stands on the top of the ladder opposite Reaper

"It's looks great, you're talented Needles." Addy smiles. I hold the ladder steady as she begins to climb down when her foot slips and she falls, luckily I move in time to catch her before she hurts herself

"Good catch." Reaper smirks as Molly blushes in my arms. I set her down on her feet and she moves next to Addy to check out the sign

"It's perfect." She smiles as she looks to me

"Thank you so much, I love you." She smiles as I wrap my arms around her.

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