Chapter 4 - Molly

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Apparently aunt AJ's idea of a girls day started with a hike up in the woods, even with one leg I can't keep up with her

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Apparently aunt AJ's idea of a girls day started with a hike up in the woods, even with one leg I can't keep up with her. Although she did show me one spot that looked like a nice peaceful place to relax. There's a park back home where I would always disappear to if I needed some space and it was always quiet, but then I wasn't allowed out by myself and stopped going.

Thankfully she let me go home and shower before taking me into town. It's a cute little place, with plenty of businesses to hopefully find a job. She took me into the tattoo parlour the club owns and I met Evie, apparently her brother is a member of the club and she married another member, she seemed a little shy but really friendly.

Then she took me to the salon and we met a few more of the 'old ladies' as they call themselves. Izzy runs the salon, Scarlett runs a nightclub and Natalie and Imelda are nurses. There were kids running around, Camilla is Izzys, Jessica is Scarlett's and Isla is Imeldas, with Imeldas new born son in the stroller beside her.

"I love your hair, it's so pretty." Scarlett smiles as she gets her nails done

"Thanks, I'm thinking of experimenting with colour on top of the silver though." I reply.

"So what brought you all the way from Texas? Addy said something about trouble?" Scarlett asks, oh joy

"Just ex boyfriend drama." I shrug trying to brush it off

"Eugh men are the worst, and you get shipped off out here, you need to get revenge on his ass. Take a seat and tell me what the fucker did, I'll help you get him back." Scarlett grins evilly, I like her already.

"Oh my god, how much are plane tickets to Texas? Get your gun Addy." Natalie says as she pulls out her cell phone

"Oh honey, your dad didn't tell it like that, I'm so sorry. I'm totally up for taking my rifle Bessie on a trip to Texas and taking him out." Addy says sympathetically. Maybe I shouldn't have told them what happened, but they promised not to tell anyone, they seem so nice, and honestly it's nice that they're listening, my parents didn't want to hear it.

"I know what to do, I'm calling in reinforcements." Scarlett smiles as she puts her cell down on the table. A few minutes later two men walk in, one going straight to Natalie and kissing her

"This is Ace, he works at the tattoo shop and this is Socket, Natalie's husband and drives the tow truck." Scarlett introduces them "this is Molly, Adelines niece, now take your shirts off and put your cuts on."

Oh my god what is she doing? I'm going to die of embarrassment.

"You're going to let me take pictures of you with these hotties and then post them on your Instagram. Him and your friends will die of jealousy." Scarlett smirks

"Oh that's genius." Natalie smirks

"That's a great idea, my ex cheated on me and now I'm married to a hot biker with two kids, so screw him." Imelda smiles down at the baby boy sleeping in the stroller next to her.

"Why am I getting half naked?" Socket asks as Ace happily strips off his shirt, oh god this is embarrassing and I bet my face is bright red

"We're getting revenge on Mollys ex, now take your top off and show everyone why I married your sexy ass." Natalie says before slapping his butt, oh my god.

"Guys, look at her like she's your dinner and Molly, try not to look like you're going to pass out." Scarlet laughs as she takes my cell phone.

"Sorry about this." I mumble as I find myself wedged between Ace and Socket

"No problem darling, anything else I can do to help you get over your ex, you let me know." Ace winks down at me and I feel my cheeks burn

"That's my niece you're flirting with." Adeline warns him. Scarlett snaps several photos, ordering us to pose in different ways and I'm so happy when she stops and I can step away

"Ok, pick the right filter and 'moving in with bikers is so tough' and posted." She giggles before handing me back my cell

"Thanks for your assistance guys." Scarlett smirks before winking at me.

"Oh my god that was so embarrassing." I say as I hide my face in my hands

"But just imagine the look on your ex's face when he sees you snuggled up to two sexy outlaw bikers." Izzy smiles, She right, totally worth it.

So that was our girls day and apart from nearly dying on the hike and nearly dying of embarrassment in the salon it was good, the girls I met seem really nice, but bad ass at the same time. I might just like it here. I definitely don't fit in at home being a band geek and not planning to join the military. That's what made me fall for Kyle, I didn't fit in with anyone in high school and was always a loner, until Kyle started to notice me and I was so excited to finally have some one.

Now all I have is my cello, but she'll do for now. Aunt AJ didn't want to leave me home alone, but I told her some quiet time would be good and that I'd stay here anyway, so her and Chris went to the nightclub Scarlett owns.

I close my eyes and tilt my head back as I play Bach on my cello, I find the sound so soothing. I always remember where I discovered the cello. My dad and his brothers always watch war movies, I've seen them all, or heard them all, as my family enjoy watching them and I just find them boring, how they can watch movies about how horrific war is and then sign up to do it I don't know. But anyway, they decided to watch Master and Commander, another movie I wasn't interested in, until I heard the music. When Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany play their violin and cello together, I fell in love. I immediately began playing the cello and have done ever since.

My teacher always pushed me to play in the school band but I just wanted to play for me, none of my family have seen me play, they may have heard when I practised in my room, but it's just for me. Well, apart from my grandma, the boys all used to spend their summers doing boy stuff with my uncles while dad was deployed and mom worked, so I often found myself at my grandmas. She loved listening to me play, she used to play music and we would dance around the kitchen together while she taught me how to bake.

I sigh as I pack away my cello and change into my sleep shorts and tee before climbing into bed, todays been better, it'll get better. Plus my Instagram is blowing up from people I went to high school with asking about the hot bikers, so that helps. I find it a little easier to drift off to sleep tonight.

I wake up and check the time on my cell 6am? Eugh why am I awake so early?

"Oh fuck Chris, yes!" Oh that'll be why.

"Lalalalala." I repeat as I grab my clothes, keys and cello. I don't want to hear that and I'll give them some space to have fun, I have an idea of where to go.

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