Chapter 16 - Molly

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"Can I buy you a drink?" I hear a male voice in my ear and I turn to see a guy getting close

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"Can I buy you a drink?" I hear a male voice in my ear and I turn to see a guy getting close

"No thank you." I smile before turning back to Scarlett. We continue to dance to the music when I feel a hand on my hip

"Back off asshole she's mine!" Scarlett growls over my shoulder and I giggle as I feel him run away

"That's the fourth one tonight." I say rolling my eyes

"It's because you're hot." Scarlett winks

"Speaking of hot I need some air." I reply

"Go ahead, but stay by Ricky on the front door, I don't want anyone trying anything. Can't bury a body in these heels." She smirks, but I detect a hint of sincerity before I make my way through the crowd and outside. I take a deep breath as the cool fall air hits my sweaty skin. Needles looks hot tonight. I saw him as soon as he came in and I catch him looking at me. I still want him and I keep thinking about Scarlett and her husband, if they can make it work maybe he and I could've had something, but my parents and aunt AJ would never allow it.

"Hey." I look up and see Needles standing in front of me

"Hey." I smile, hoping to hide how much I want him.

"Can we talk?" He asks

"Sure, is it about the shop or Nonna?" I ask casually, I can do this, I don't want him. I definitely don't want him to kiss the back of my neck again and send a lightning bolt through my body.

"Not here." He says looking to the big guy on the door. He takes my hand and guides me around the side of the building

"What are you doing?" I ask as I see him looking up

"There's no cameras here." He says as he looks back down at me

"Ok, what's going on?" I ask confused

"I can't do this anymore Molly." He sighs as he backs me up against the wall

"What? Do you want me to stop coming here? Or quit the shop?" I love coming here and I love working with Evie and Ace, I don't want to leave

"No. I mean this." He says motioning between us "I want you Molly, bad, and I'm not sure I can hold back anymore."

His hand comes up to rest on my hip, his fingers brushing against the bare skin between my jeans and shirt

"Tell me you want me Molly." He practically growls, his lips a breath away from mine. I do, so badly, more than anything I want to feel his lips on mine, his hands on my body

"What if some one comes looking for me? Aunt AJ is just inside." I reply and he sighs as he looks down

"Text her, tell her I'm giving you a ride home." He says as he takes my hand and pulls me out into the lot. I pull my cell from my pocket and type a quick text about a headache, that I'm fine, blah blah before Needles puts his helmet on my head. I tilt my chin up as he adjusts the strap and then he helps me climb onto the back of the bike

"I've not been on a motorcycle before." I say as he settles in front of me

"Just hold on to me, lean when I lean, I'll take it easy." He says as he reaches back for my hands and wraps my arms around his waist. I press my front against his back as he starts the engine.

The ride home is a blur as all I can think about is the way Needles feels against me, occasionally resting his hand on my thigh. My body is burning for him, pleading for his touch, I want him more than ever.

He pulls up outside aunt AJ's house and I climb off the motorcycle before checking my cell. Aunt AJ has replied asking if I need her to come home, I quickly reply that I'm fine and ask her to grab my purse that I forgot. Luckily they told me where they keep a key in case I ever forgot mine and I find it before opening the front door.

My heart hammers in my chest as I hear him close the door behind me. We're alone, no distractions, I'm nervous. I jump when his hand brushes my hair out of the way and then I feel his lips on my shoulder

"Tell me you want me Molly." He says against my skin as his lips travel higher

"I do." I whisper. I gasp when his lips find that spot on the back of my neck. His arm wraps around my waist as I threaten to melt into a puddle, I've never been kissed there before and it's driving me crazy, I bite my lip but it doesn't hold back my moans

"You drive me crazy Molly, I can't stop thinking about you." He mumbles against my neck as I place my hand on his around my waist, my god if his lips feel this good against my neck how would it feel if he went further?

His hand moves up from my waist to cup my breast and I gasp when his thumb flicks over my hardened nipple. But he pulls away and spins me around to face him

"Tell me you feel the same Molly." He says looking down at me, his eyes burning with lust

"I do, I want you, I think about it all the time, I replay the times you kissed me in my head." I nod, but before I can say more his lips crash against mine. Feeling more confident this time I place one hand on his shoulder as I use the other to play with his hair as his beard tickles my skin and our lips move together. I gasp against his lips as he grips my ass and pulls my body against his, oh my god I can feel his hardness against my stomach!

He takes advantage of my parted lips and his tongue delves into my mouth and I taste whiskey. This feels so good, in his arms, his body against mine, our lips together.

I squeal when he grabs the back of my thighs and lifts me up, my arms clinging to his shoulders

"I ain't gonna drop you." He chuckles as he begins walking down the hall. I point him towards my bedroom and he kicks the door open, wait, why are we going to my bedroom? Are we gonna...? Well thank god I shaved this morning. Wait, I haven't done it before, what if I'm bad and he laughs at me? Oh god I can't do this

"Wait." I say and he lowers me down onto the bed

"What's up?" He asks as he hovers above me, I bite my lip trying to think up a way to say this without sounding like a stupid loser

"I umm... I haven't... uh." I stumble on the words

"Are you trying to tell me you're a virgin?" He asks, the lust disappearing from his facial expression. My feel my cheeks burn with the blush of embarrassment and I bite my lip, closing my eyes as I nod

"Shit." He curses as I feel him stand from the bed.

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