Chapter 6 - Molly

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What am I doing? Maybe my dads right, I do make poor decisions

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What am I doing? Maybe my dads right, I do make poor decisions. I meet a huge beast of a man all muscle, tattoo and beard and I kiss him? Am I insane? He could be dangerous, he could've done anything to me in the woods and no one would've heard me, so I played my cello for him? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Ok, when I shook his hand I felt a jolt through my whole body and that kiss. Holy mother of god I've never been kissed like that before, it was amazing and I want to do it again.

But I can't. I've made enough bad decisions, I've caused enough trouble, if I told aunt AJ 'hey I played my cello for a stranger, gave him my real name and number and then made out with him in an empty parking lot' I would be on house arrest. So for the past two days Jacob has been texting me, trying to see me, being cute and funny and flirty. And I've been blowing him off. This is so bad. It took me two days to get in trouble in my new home.

Today is the barbecue where I meet Aunt AJ and Chris' club family. I'm nervous, but I've already met a few people so hopefully it'll be ok. I just need to avoid Socket and Ace after them hugging me whilst shirtless to put all over my Instagram.

"I'm so excited for you to meet everyone, you'll love them and I'm sure they'll love you." Aunt AJ smiles as she looks at me in the rear view mirror, Chris sitting in the passenger seat. I saw Chris with his leather biker vest, but today aunt AJ is wearing her own vest, she called it a property cut, for some one as tough as her I didn't think she'd let herself be called property. Hell I'm an idiot when it comes to men but I don't like the idea of being property. I had noticed the old ladies at the salon wearing them, but I was too nervous to ask.

Aunt AJ pulls into the parking lot of a huge building, with a garage on the side of it, the lot, even with all the cars and motorcycles is a huge open space with tables, coolers and oil drums, with a grill set up by the main building. On the other side of the lot sit three houses, all different styles.

"You made it! Come to the bar and get a drink with me, you can meet Indigo." Scarlett says as she wraps her arm around my shoulder, I look back at my aunt and she nods at me before walking away with Chris

"I love this dress, you look hot." Scarlett smiles as she points up and down my dress. I can see we have similar styles with her wearing leather pants and a black lace shirt.

"Indigo, meet Molly Addy's niece." Scarlett says to the girl with long black hair behind the bar

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She smiles "this is my husband Bullet and our daughter Willow."

Damn everyone here's so hot and pretty and the kids running around are so cute.

"Can you grab us two beers?" Scarlett asks

"Wait I'm only eighteen." I say to Scarlett

"And I was running a nightclub at nineteen, let loose a little." Scarlett smiles as Indigo places two beers on the bar. The last thing I need is for aunt AJ to see me drinking, she'll probably report straight back to my dad.

"I just need to grab something from the kitchen, come on." Scarlett nods down the hall and I follow her

"Wow this is amazing." I say as I look over the giant room. Professional ovens, all the equipment I could dream of lining the stainless steel counters, it's like a dream.

"Is anyone allowed to use the kitchen?" I ask

"Why? You like cooking?" Scarlett asks

"I love baking." I reply

"Well you're part of the club, so you're free to use it whenever. Just remember these men are vultures and you'll have to share." She jokes. That's perfect, guinea pigs to test my recipes on.

"Come on, let me introduce you to more eye candy." Scarlett says as she links our arms and we head back outside. She leads me over to a picnic table with aunt AJ, Izzy and another woman

"Molly, this is Cordelia." Scarlett says as we sit down

"It's so nice to finally meet you." Cordelia smiles

"Ok, let's talk eye candy." Scarlett says as she spins me around to look at the crowd of people

"Alright, big scary fucker, that's Cordelias husband Killer, there's my man Knuckles, try not to drool, that is Imeldas husband Ice, you're lucky he's married now or he'd already be trying to get in your panties." Scarlett chuckles

"Oh but isn't he the cutest dad, look at him playing with Isla." Cordelia says. Scarlett points out all of the guys, all with weird names

"Sorry we're late, you must be Molly." A woman with blue hair approaches the table in a wheelchair with a really tall guy beside her

"I'm Skye and this is my husband Circuit, the girl in the yellow dress is our daughter Delilah." Skye says pointing over to a group of kids playing together, and I see two boys wrestling with another girl

"I swear, Camilla is gonna kick the twins asses one of these days." Izzy smirks

"Good, my devil twins need taking down a notch." Cordelia giggles. This is a lot more family friendly than I expected a biker party to be, sure there's loud rock music coming from somewhere but people stand and sit in groups talking and laughing, there's lots of kids running around. It's almost like one of my families parties, the only difference being the really hot bikers.

"Sorry guys." I see Evie come up, a man has his arm over her shoulder, before she sits down with us

"Molly this is my husband Reaper." Evie smiles pointing up at him

"Nice to meet you." He smiles and I awkward smile nod. I'm so not good with people.

"I didn't have any of this sickness with Callum, it sucks." Evie pouts

"Ha, feel the pain, I was so sick with Jessica I'm scarred for life." Scarlett jokes

"That's my girl over there. Cordelias oldest son Diesel is trying to teach her poker, she's gonna take everything the club owns one day." Scarlett says proudly

"She's definitely gonna be badass like her mama." Aunt AJ laughs. Soon I find myself surrounded by all the women as they talk and gossip, I'd met Natalie and Imelda a few days ago. But I can't help but laugh, Natalie, Scarlett, Skye and my aunt are all happily married or engaged, yet they constantly talk about the guys like they're pieces of meat. I mean I get it, I find myself sneaking peaks at the handsome men, but this is not what I expected at all.

"Evie, Needles say when he was getting here? I want him to meet Molly." My aunt asks

"He had a last minute appointment, said he'd come here straight after." Evie replies. Aunt AJ has talked a lot about Needles. Apparently he owns the tattoo parlour and needs some one to run the front desk, she's decided I'm perfect for it and is really pushing the job. It's not my dream to spend my life buried in paperwork, but I guess it'll give me some cash while I figure out what's next. I chew on my lip as I pull my cell out of my purse, Jacob has text me again, asking if he can see me tonight. I feel bad for blowing him off, but I can't make any more mistakes, I need to focus on figuring my life out and making my parents happy before I even think about going near boys again. I flick over to instagram and see the picture of me with Socket and Ace has gathered even more likes, stick that up your ass Kyle.

"Finally you made it, Needles this is my niece Molly." I look up as Aunt AJ speaks and standing in front of me is Jacob.

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