Chapter Eighty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Goliath looked behind Damian at the female. His nostrils flared and his pupils dilated. Demon. Like his boy but...more. The hellhound pushed past Damian and towards the purple demoness, sniffing and training keen eyes on her.

Raven watched him approach, all inquisitive. He perched a few centimetres from her, his eyes not leaving her, and slowly leaned forwards until he touched the tip of his big, round nose to hers.

She looked up at his big, soulful eyes and couldn't hold it in, "Ohmyholyazarathdearmotherofthenetherrealm I think I'm in love.", Raven gushed, unblinking.

Damian popped his head around Goliath's shoulder, "Should I be jealous?"


Alfred heard the sound of cars approaching and- setting one of the cubs down in Belladonna's lap- he announced, "That should be the returning residents.", his wispy brows drew together as he considered the jaguar family lounging in the demoness' room with Catwoman and Bruce's son (thats not something you say every day) and Alfred conceded, "I do believe I've grown too attached to surrender them to Master Bruce. I'll retrieve master Damian and miss Raven to find a place for them- God knows how many secret strays that boy's brought home.", rolling his eyes in good faith, Alfred left the room.

Having peeped his head in to the cave to call Damian and his girlfriend upstairs, Alfred made his way to the front door- and just in time too. Pulling a perfected mask of utter innocence over his widened face, Mr Pennyworth greeted his not-son, "Good afternoon Master Wayne. You'll be pleased to know Master Damian, Miss Belladonna and Miss Kyle are safely returned not too long before yourself."

Instantly the lines between Bruce's eyebrows disappeared...and reappeared a second later as he prepared to grill his children like they were kebabs. As Timothy shoved past him, Jason chasing after him, Bruce prepared himself to wrangle with his son. Stepping inside, he dodged a blonde bullet (known as Stephanie) who decided to join in killing Tim. Knowing that she's wanted it recorded, Casandra pulled out her phone while Dick half-successfully stopped their fight. Duke and Jaime took the comfortable roles of spectators. Only half successfully, because they were only quiet after Timothy was climbing on top of the fridge to escape Jason and Stephanie fell, cutting her knee: meaning Dick could shout 'TIME OUT!' and play nurse.

Meanwhile, Bruce faced off against Damian, who'd chosen a completely original tactic. "I didn't do anythinggg!"

The boy sat there, on his bed, arms folded, mouth glued shut, refusing to speak. Outside the room, Damian knew Raven stood, helping to explain the situation to Kori, with Selina. Surprisingly, neither Bruce, nor Starfire, pushed the issue after another seven minutes trying to get a confession.

The matter wasn't brought up again, surprisingly, even at dinner. Apparently, besides banning Damian and Belladonna from Alfred's cookies for a month, no further disciple was taken. As for Selina...well, Bruce resolved that situation in private.

That night, Batman was in action, draining the web of all possible information about potential items that the reptilian alien's bounty could be after. Even the Batcomputer couldn't narrow the list down to less than a thousand. Bruce considered taking a rest and seeing if Babs was up to the task, but snapped out of the mentality in an instant. Batman in the in the crocs. He wouldn't let his anarchist children get in the way of work- he hadn't so far, not with Dick or Jason or Tim or Stephanie or Cassandra or Duke or...Damian...?...but with Belladonna on top...

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