Chapter Seventy-Four

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Knock knock knock

Damian and Raven jolted upright- at least, they attempted to, their limbs were tangled together. Both shaken out of sleep, neither of them had time to summon to mind a plan as the knocker opened the unlocked door. The one time that the two of them hadn't locked the door happened to be the time that they were caught.

Those few seconds of the door sliding open felt like the last moments of Damian's life and he feared his heart would give out due to over-exertion. His eyes quickly flicked downwards, relieved to note that last night had been much more innocent than their previous nightly encounters- both were fully clothed, phew.

Selina Kyle stepped through the door, blinked twice, and her jaw dropped.

A period of silence followed.

Then a strange, bubbling sort of smile grew on Selina's face and her eyes lit with the excitement of a cat seeing a ball of wool. She beamed, "Oh my God, please tell me this is what I think it is!", the last few words she almost squealed.

Raven and Damian leapt out of the bed, hands held up, figuring out what the hell to do next.

"Don't jump to conclusions-". Damian began.

Raven continued, "Can we just explain-"

Damian winced, "It isn't what you may think-"

"Well it kind of is-"

"But this isn't-"

Selina closed the door to Raven's room and (barely containing her grin) said, "Well can you explain this then? I'm curious!"

Had his heart not been racing and his head not been occupied, Damian might have said made a comment about curiosity and cats. Resigning to defeat, Damian sat down on the edge of Raven's bed, besides the demoness herself. With a wave of her hand, Raven gestured for Selina to take a seat on the armchair by her wardrobe.

With Catwoman -dressed in chequered purple and black pyjama trousers and a kawaii cat on her top- snuggled in to the armchair anticipating more tea than Tati, James and Jefree combined, Raven began with a question. "What do you want to know?"

Selina sat forward, "Everything. Starting with: are you two together?", she sat with her chin propped up by her fist.

Raven looked at Damian, knowing that this could become a complete catastrophe for him if Selina told his father. Sighing, the demoness spoke for them, "It's a little confusing, figuring out what we are, but I'd say 'together' sums it up."

Selina bit her lip, choking back an outburst, "Okay, next question: who knows?".

The two of them mulled it over before Damian said, "Raven's brother...I believe that's it."

Raven frowned, "I think Jackson, Lahra and Tyrone know- yeah, they probably do. Jason hasn't figured it out yet though, he will eventually."

That would be a sticky situation. Jason knowing. The teasing would be relentless-and the jokes- and he would most likely blurt their secret to half of the universe within five minutes!- no, that was Dick; Jason would just laugh at them...and maybe crack one too many pregnancy jokes whilst downing tequila.

"So Bruce doesn't know?"

Damian's heart hammered and he pinned a furious stare on the woman (who reclined with a smirk in the armchair), "You will not tell him ANYTHING!". Raven placed a hand on his arm, spreading her calm demeanour to him and causing his muscles to relax a little.

Selina threw her hands up, promising not to say a word- unless they wanted her to, or somehow others found out. The other questions she had for the two of them were dodged or half-answered, leaving Miss Kyle to think there was a lot more going on than the two of them were letting on- who was she kidding, of course their was, knowing those two. Two of the most secret people Selina had ever met had just confessed to being in a relationship together. One of whom was the dAUghTeR oF SAtaN the other was the ex-assassin son of her boyfriend. This.was.TEA.

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