Chapter Sixty-Five

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The demon-siblings, assassin and warlock stepped through a portal, dragging along an individual clothed in pure white. Funnily enough, they happened to walk in to the middle of an improvised meeting of several key JLA members- Batman included. That was just their luck.

"Robin, what-"

The Boy Wonder broke of his father's demand with a curt, "We'll explain later."

"Constantine?", Superman frowned, receiving a nod and raised eyebrow in greeting.

By this point, taking in to account the 'prisoner' that was being marched over to the corner of the room (he would be expected to stand there, prisoners did not deserve sofas) and the fact that the demons and Constantine were involved, Batman came to the conclusion that this was a magical thing. Studying the captured individual as he walked, Bruce noted the formality in his posture as well as the condescension in his glances towards his captors. The man's hair was unnerving pale- like platinum, far lighter that Constantine's ragged locks- only serving to complement the creamy beige of his eyes, whose hold flecks sparked in the meeting room's white lighting. This person was not human, not that it came as a surprise when one kept company like the Batman did.

With the porcelain-white man planted in the corner, The Flash made the first step towards finding out what the holy heck had happened, "What's going on? I can't be the only person who doesn't get it."

Ever simplifying the situation, Batman said, "Explain."

They happened to find them in these 'explanation situations' all too often, Damian, Raven and Adyn. Something happened, something the League didn't know about or needed clarification on, and they'd find themselves juggling the task of explaining themselves to the Justice League without giving away too much information. Damian and Raven hadn't wanted the JLA to weigh in in the situation with the Light Council, but it was inevitable that they would have to be included: there was only so much time they could hold the League off for after the attack on the Hall of Justice. Now, they had Constantine. He was damn good at dealing with authority in that easy, 'I-don't-give-a-shit-because-I'm-fucking-badass' kind of way. Plus there was a mutual-respect between him and the League (Batman in particular: John Constantine was quite a fan of the Bat) which may have been aided by the fact that the demon hunter was an adult. Lantern or Batman or The Flash or Wonderwoman (or the numerous others in the League -though Aquaman had been absent for a while, and Shazam was...otherwise occupied-) could not condescend Constantine as both an adult and a powerful warlock.

As a side note, it is important to recognise the differences between a witch, mage, sorcerer (or sorceress) and warlock. Witches, creatures born with the ability to wield magic given training and conditioning yet unable to wield raw magic- the least powerful of the four. Mages, varied in ability depending on experience, an entire race in their own with extreme power given time and conditioning. Sorcerers and their female counterparts, similar to mages but of any possible species, holding the ability to perform great magic, yet needing conditioning to hone their raw abilities. Warlocks, on the other hand, beings born of magic, with it running through their veins, capable of channeling large amounts of energy at will, though able to perfect the magical arts. Some species did blur the lines though: demons, for instance, all possessed some degree of heat/fire control, but few were born with great, raw magical power (though some basic gifts were fairly common). It was a lucky thing that demons lived as telling as they did- skilled magical practitioners were valuable.
And batteries were mentioned previously.

Swiftly reverting back to the situation in the Hall of Justice, Constantine had concluded his explanation of the prior events (Raven had filled him in on the situation whilst they had waited for the leader of the Light Council division to awaken in the shop) and managed to do so in a commendable minute and three seconds. By the end of his offhand recount, the warlock gave the handful of JLA members a smirking grin.

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