Chapter 21: America's Favorite Past Time

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James sat in Edward's room, most of the Cullen's had left to go hunting. Alice and Jasper were assigned to her and both were somewhere in the house as James ran his fingers over Edward's piano. He'd never learned how to perfectly play the piano but he knew enough to recite one of his favorites... Moonlight Sonata.

His fingers touched the keys and he felt the familiar melody come over him, years ago when Bella took dance at her school, James had learned how to play the Piano by himself as to be able to go to Bella's practice and play the melodies for the class to dance to. He felt the familiar sadness of melody wash over him and he realized his meds had run out a few days ago. At least the Cullen's were basically indestructible when compared to kitchen knives. As he continued his piano playing, a unwelcome memory came back...

James had handed out fliers to all his sister's friends, none of which bothered to show up except one... James watched in awe as his boyfriend walked into the theater and sat with his Father and Mother. Jacob Black had come to see them play... It made his heart swell when he saw the tall kid with long black hair and a ungodly perfect smile looking at him. Jacob didn't really get out much, so the fact he manage to convince Billy to come out at all was astounding. 

Later that night, after the recital. Bella was with Charlie as Billy talked with his best friend. James and Jacob sat off in one of the corners. James had his head on Jacob's shoulder and he smiled contently as Jacob began to hum to him. His anxiety tended to cause him to respond violently to stressful situations and Jacob had found a way to calm his nerves no matter the occasion. He slowly started to fall asleep on the warm boy as Jacob hummed to him...

James came back to reality after a painful memory and found himself crying. That day was one of his best, only 5 days later he and Jacob broke up and James wanted him gone forever. It was years ago but it still carried a very painful reminder of his once greatest friend and even lover. He put the memory behind him as he thought of Edward. Edward had shown him infinite compassion and kindness... he protected him against any and all dangers that might hurt him. Edward was still HIS. Jacob made his mind up when James returned to Forks. He hadn't tried to rekindle the old flame so he best leave it be. Not all memories are worth burning the world down for...

Later that day, Edward had returned to find James still playing the Piano. Edward crept up behind his lover and surprised him with flowers. Roses to be precise... Different colors and shades... in the middle a black rose sat alone. Always having a flare for the dark, James picked the black rose and Edward smiled. They shared a loving embrace before Edward spoke up as he placed the flower in a vase by the Piano.

"All of us think it might be good to get out and do something as a family. You've been locked up in here for about a week now. Jasper and Alice demand we play the greatest sport known to man..."


Edward gave a loud laugh that made his heart skip even more beats as the gold in Edward's eyes never ceased to stun him.

"No. Baseball."

James stiffed a laugh and looked up.

"HOW exactly is Baseball gonna be fair for me? I am a literal pin cushion compared to the rest of you. A single ball throw from ALICE could kill me."

Edward nodded his head a little with a smirk and looked down at his boyfriend.

"True, but you can be our Umpire. Plus Alice usually sticks to pitching. Emmett likes playing field with me most of the time... We can only really play during a thunderstorm."

James wrapped his arms around Edward's waist and looked into his eyes.

"And how exactly does that make any difference at all?"

Edward smiled with a content expression and leaned down and kissed James as he responded.

"Oh. You'll see. I promise."

And so it was that all the Cullen's were pilled into the Jeep that James knew so well as Carlisle drove them deeper into the forest. He and Alice chatted for a bit and Jasper kept giving him the hungry eyes as Edward eye'd his older brother. Soon they stopped as they all pulled into a clearing. The field was mostly flat and misty. Perfect for a game. Esme carried the bats and Emmett carried most of the helmets. Edward gave him a cap and showed him the place where he'd be standing. Esme walked up and handed James a metal bat.

"Here, just in case we do decide to let you try your best. We'll play fairly, I promise."

James smiled and looked at the bat with a interested expression.

"Actually you know what, I call dibs on first swing."

Esme and Edward smirked as he said that and Alice stood about 20 feet away.

"Careful James, my pitch is deadly."

He grinned as Carlisle looked at Emmett and Edward.

"To make it fair, I suppose we'll run at human speed. Hear that Edward, I know you like to be fast but I think your mate might be pissed at you if you cheat."

Edward gave a sarcastic thumbs up at his Dad and James smirked as Alice looked him dead in the eyes.

"Ready Killer?"

He nodded his head and Alice swung her leg up as she threw the ball like Lightning at him, his eyes didn't even see it as Esme caught it.

"Oh dang... this might be harder then expected."

James remarked and Alice grinned at his jab and Esme threw the ball back to her.

"Strike 1 Killer."

He took a stance as Alice threw the ball again and he felt it miss by a millisecond as the ball hit Esme's glove.

"Strike 2 James. Make sure to close your eyes for this one. Trust me it works..."

James took her advice and closed her eyes as he heard her foot leave the ground and he already knew to swing right as the ball left her hand. What he didn't account for was what happened next.

As the ball left her hand, it met his bat and to everyone's shock, the ball shattered instantly from his swing, James was thrown to the ground by the impact of his own swing. Lightning didn't even cover the sound, it sounded like a plane had crashed straight into the field. James opened his eyes and Esme was frozen in shock as everyone else was. Seconds passed without anyone saying anything, Emmett was the first to speak.

"Uhhh... it is just me or did Lover Boy over there just shatter a ball? Isn't that like... highly impossible by human standards..."

James let go of the bat and took a few steps back in shock as he felt cold for a few seconds. A chill ran down his spine and Alice eye'd him from her post.

"Emmett has only ever broken a ball once... and that was when he was... Carlisle examine him NOW!"

He found Carlisle looking into his eyes suddenly. Carlisle looked worried for a moment, then looked alarmed.

"Esme, his condition has elevated... I don't know how much time he has left... it's impossible to tell now. 2 to 5 days max. James your time just grew a lot shorter. I'm sorry..."

James's mouth fell open in shock and tears started to swell up in his eyes as he started to say something. Then he felt it. They all felt it. The chill of murderers as the Cullen's quickly rushed over to James and Edward placed him behind him. 

Out from the mist, walked Laurence, James, and Victoria. James looked at the Vampire who tried to kill him as his own evil counterpart stood before them. 

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