Chapter 20: Decode

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(recommended Music for this Chapter: Paramore "Decoded", fun fact it was a song from this movie's sound track)

James and Edward laid in the meadow of flowers staring into each others eyes for what seemed like hours...

𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓓𝓲𝓭 𝓦𝓮 𝓖𝓮𝓽 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓮? 𝓘 𝓤𝓼𝓮 𝓣𝓸 𝓚𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓢𝓸 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓵

Turns out it was hours, as they spent so long without speaking that James had fallen asleep looking into Edwards eyes, when he woke, Edward had moved him back to the his bedroom. His boyfriend in question was nowhere to be seen... Strange. He felt strange... something felt wrong, he stood up out of bed and looked down, he was in completely different clothing... wearing a black hoodie that looked torn multiple times... he went into the bathroom to investigate and staggered against the wall when he looked in the mirror. His skin was paler then snow... blood red eyes and perfect skin. Then he felt it... the world through their eyes... He heard the light sounds of the rain in the distance, the sounds of small animals through out the forest. He felt the world had slowed, he moved closer to the mirror and looked at his neck out of curiosity. Sure enough his neck was perfectly fine... so where did he get bit? He looked down and saw his arm... a deep gash on his right arm... it looked like a dog had bitten his arm and been ripped off. He looked back up at the mirror and terror filled his eyes as he saw Jacob, his eyes glowing gold as he was inches from James's neck and his eyes were filled with rage...

"You've chosen him over me James... You choose cold immortality over burning love. A monster like you cannot exist..."

James felt his already cold blood freeze as he saw Jacob grab him in his reflection and ripped his head off... no blood feel from the wound, it was like he had ripped glass. James felt his throat tighten as he saw his reflection self fall dead to the floor....

"It's not too late James. I still love you, come back to me... you know that Immortality isn't worth it... A hundred ways to spend eternity in pain or trapped alone in the dark. Come back to me... please..."

Then the true Jacob appeared behind him. The Jacob he knew, long beautiful hair and eyes that melted his heart in two... He never really understood what made him and Jacob fit together so perfectly as kids... but just this moment alone made his heart ache to remember him as the way he once was. Jacob leaned closer and pulled James into a strong hug, he felt warmth for once in a long time. Jacob put his fingers on James chin and lifted his gaze up, the two meet eyes and he felt Jacob lean in closer and his heart beat strong against his chest as his eyes closed. The thought of Edward had fled his mind like he never existed... he felt his eyes close and his lips met Jacobs, the warmth had remained all those years... He felt the fire, burning like a inferno around him. Quite literally as the room began to melt from the heat and he opened his eyes to see Jacob staring into his with the eyes of a wolf. 

"How did we get here? I used to know you so well..."

Adam asked and Jacob smiled so sweetly he felt his heart skip.

"I think I know... there is something, I see in you. A light, a beacon of pure fire. Bright beyond anything else around it. You burn so brightly that everything around you just burns in your presence. How can anyone deserve to stand beside you..."

James smiled and put his head on Jacob's shoulder.

"I never left Jacob... all you need to do to win me over is just to show me... I'm not some sun to be won over, just walk up to me and kiss me. I'll leave everything... I promise... all this crazy stuff with Vampires... Bella can deal with that. I'll be more then happy living with you instead..."

Jacob leaned in to say something but he felt the dream rumble, like it was nothing but water... Jacob looked up in shock and leaned in once again to kiss him. And uttered 4 words as the dream broke...

"Come to me... Love."

James felt Edward shaking him awake, he opened his eyes and saw Edward's looking into his.

"What was that?"


He felt like he should remember something but it was slipping his mind... something about Jacob.

"I heard you mutter something about Jacob."

James leaned over and hugged his boyfriend. He felt content on the inside and looked at Edward's eyes.

"I love you Edward. Nothing will change that. What exactly did I say...?"

Edward looked down at the ground and it was only then that James realized that night had fallen. He'd been asleep the entire day?!

"You said that you would find him. I think you were dreaming about Jacob asking for you to "find him" or something like that. Your dreams are always really weird when it involves others. Its like looking into the sun and trying to see the stars..."

James sat up and looked at Edward with a confused look.

"What do you mean? It's just a dream right?"

Edward bit his lip lightly and gave a sigh before looking over.

"No. Not really. Sometimes Human's have traits that don't truly develop unless they become Vampires. For instance, I used to be so good at thoughts that I could basically read peoples minds. Now I actually can. Alice use to lucid dream about events in her future, now she can see it when she's not dreaming in clear details. I'm guessing that if you become a Vampire, you might have something similar... different without a doubt. I just can't tell what it is... It's like every time I try to read you I just see the sun. It's hard to pick out individual thoughts, much less any actual images or even more so, dreams."

James took a minute to process this as Edward continued.

"If my family were like any other Vampires, our abilities might be even stronger...."

James looked over and raised a eyebrow. And Edward smirked lightly as he raised his finger.

"Oh right... I never got that far... We don't actually kill Humans. We don't want to be monsters, we like to think of ourselves as vegetarians. Isn't exactly that great but it keeps us alive feeding on animal blood. That's whats in your tea. Animal blood. You remember the hunger you get after drinking it? That's the vampire yearning to get out. You still have a bit of time to decide but... it's hard. It's like living off Tofu all your life, and we can't break the treaty we made or we might have to leave again..."

James felt his stomach turn inside out as Edward explained his drinks...

"I thought it was just like... regular blood... the kind of stuff that is safe for my body as a Human. I don't think Animal blood is safe for me to drink as I'm still a Human Edward. Jeez... I might just not drink it until my time is up..."

Edward gave a small laugh that made James's heart leap as he looked over into his eyes.

"I doubt you'd last that long... it's like sex. We are resisting it and you know how hard that is for a Human. It is so much harder for a Vampire to resist having sex..."

The topic of Edward boning him made James blush a deep shade of red and Edward leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips as James felt his body warm up lightly at the touch.

"Anyway, lets get back to the house. I'm sure Carlisle is expecting us. Rosalie has probably already started cooking something."

James smiled and when Edward stood up, James leaped onto his back.

"Take me for a ride Edward..."

"You really shouldn't have said that..."

"What are you gonna do. Run me through all 30 miles of the woods around your house?"

"That's the plan James... Hold on tight, wouldn't want that beautiful heart of yours to fall out of your mouth while we're running."

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