Bella and James ((Backstory))

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I am aware that there is a character named James in the series, I plan to have a running gag about it later on!

Bella and James are almost twins, the only difference is that James is a few minutes older then Bella, but that's where the similarities end. Bella is a quiet and reserved wonder, while James is a charismatic heart of gold that has a lot more tragedy in his life then he tells anyone. The story will function similarly with one main difference, Bella naturally gravitated towards Jacob instead of Edward. Thus, most of the situations that involve Bella picking Edward over Jacob will not play out the same. One small detail is that James has always had a hatred for Jacob after a accident that Jacob failed to prevent the last time the two saw each other. This injured Bella and James, and caused a rather large break in James psyche. He must take suppressants to keep his new found rage under control, especially around Jacob...

For story predictions, James will be exposed to Vampirism MUCH earlier then Bella was, but will not actually learn what his condition is. This will stem from him being blitz attacked in his sleep and being bitten. However the process is slow and painful as his body is fully rejecting the constant shifting and he will show it.

James is much taller then Bella and has much more strength, however he isn't as rational as Bella, often choosing to break down or to lash out with variations in his personality whenever he's overwhelmed. Both twins are 17 at the start of this. I hope to keep this running all the way until Breaking Dawn.

Now, let's dive into this lake of love and cold water

Lair, Lair (Male!Reader x Edward Cullen) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now