Chapter 15: Vampires, Wolves and Jacob, Oh My

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The fact that a man she had known for years as a crippled dad that put the fear of god in Jacob 99% of the time, who was now standing on his own two feet like some kind of savoir was a bit much to process on top of the GIANT list of things that just happened. 

"Billy. Explain."

"All in a few minutes, we should head back inland, the parasite could still attack us out here and we'd be almost defenseless."

Billy then turned around Bella looked out into the woods, and 3 pairs of eyes meet hers. Large yellow eyes and the bushes start to move but Billy spoke up.

"Not yet, she doesn't need to know. Back us up as we get back to camp ok? One last order as your leader."

Bella heard quiet growling and the creatures seemed to part as Billy started walking back into the woods.

"No offense but what are they?"

"We are something that you needn't concern yourself with. But enough about me, what happened?"

Bella shivered at the memory of that creature... JAMES... looking at her like that. She would need some kind of way to not get everyone confused about which James she was speaking of... how about Evil James? Yea that sounds good.

"We were having dinner with the Cullen's at our house. Edward and Alice got into a fight about something and only a minute later we heard something loud outside and went to investigate... When I got out there, Emmett was being chocked by this thing, and then he manage to get it off him by slamming it into my truck... sorry Billy... and then we ran inside. I went upstairs when it kicked in the door like paper and Jasper was upstairs. He had a cleaver from somewhere and we waited until James and Emmett came crashing upstairs. Edward ripped the window off its seal like it was nothing and He and Emmett split up the group. James went with Jasper and Emmett and Edward took off into the woods with me, the creature tried to attack them twice and they manage to knock it back while... throwing me into the air. Then Emmett jumped the river and now I'm here... oh... I hope Edward wasn't hurt... James won't be able to stop himself if something happened to Edward..."

Billy let out a sigh and then looked down at Bella as they walked.

"Would you say that James is in love with.... Edward?"

"Love? Maybe, they had a really bad fight just before they got home and I'm almost certain that Alice and Edward got into a fight over him. Why would they be fighting over him?"

"Alice wanted to turn him probably. Edward must have absolutely lost it..."

"Turned him? What does that mean and why does it sound so ominous?"

"You were living with a Coven of Vampires Bella. And your Brother has fallen in love with perhaps the worst out of the lot of them. Alice isn't so bad, and Jasper is quite friendly. Emmett is... challenging, but those three are the only ones we allow here. Carlisle and Esme are allowed only if they need to directly talk to the Leader. Even those three sometimes get into fights with the Pack."

"Pack? What are you not telling me Billy, its getting really annoying."

"In a minute my dear, you'll see first hand what I mean. Jacob will probably be happy to see you. He misses talking to you like he use to, before...."

"Before he almost let me drown. James will never let anyone live that down, least of all Jacob."

"Jacob never really told me what happened and your account was very... questioning... what happened that day that made James shift so dramatically...?"

"Ask Jacob. You like referencing him so much..."

"Ah so thats what it is... You are jealous that Jacob is still crushing on James, and instead of choosing between the two, he is actively ignoring Jacob and going after Edward."

Lair, Lair (Male!Reader x Edward Cullen) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now