Chapter 12: Gives You Hell

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Edward ran another red light as James slammed his seat belt into its socket, he felt a little nauseous and Edward slowed down... by about 10 mph.

"You ok? They didn't hurt you did they?"

James smiled lightly and looked over at the tall sculpture that was currently looking at him with eyes like a weeping dog.

"Yeah... you uh. Arrived right before things got out of hand... Speaking of which how did you even know where I was?"

Edward smirked and tapped his phone.

"It's amazing how you can see a persons location when you want to. Next time turn off your location if you don't want to be found."

James smiled as he felt Edward begin to calm down, he saw Edward's lone hand sitting on the middle console and he felt a rush of heat as he went for it. Before Edward could respond, James had laced his fingers with Edward's and looked out the window to avoid Edward's gaze. What amazed him is that Edward made no effort to actually move his hand, so the two sat in the car, holding hands like children refusing to admit love as Edward slowed the car at a red light.

"Have you eaten at all today?"

James got even more of a shock to hear Edward of all the Cullen's was the one to ask about his hunger.

"No... I'm... really hungry."

"How does chicken and/or potatoes sound?"

James smiled at the thought of such warm food and Edward shifted a little, bitting his lip and refusing to look over.

"I'll take that as a yes. Alice just finished cooking for you and Bella, We have Emmett over today for uh... security purposes. You haven't really had the chance to truly meet him... Word of warning... he's a bear for hugs. If he offers you one don't take it or you might never get out of his embrace."

James giggled a little thinking of Emmett hugging Edward for 3 hours straight.

He was still suspicious of the Cullen's of course. Bella and him were supposed to read the book and gather as much info as we could before truly confronting them. Not that he didn't love the Cullen's to death but... if there was something more going on, he had the right to know. Despite their attempts to keep the Twins busy, it's obvious that they've lost Charlie's trail... with it, and hope of tracking down a killer.

"He's going to be ok, I promise you... I'll return him to you unharmed. This I swear James..."

Edward made a solemn vow and the way he looked directly into James's eyes made heat quickly return to his face.

"I don't know how you knew about that... I really need to start playing my hand more discreetly. Not that I mind where it is now..."

He made this remark and felt Edwards grip on his fingers tighten if ever just so lightly. He hoped that this wouldn't just be a one time thing. Edward and his family made James feel like he was worth more then gold, like his every smile was a moment to cherish. Not to mention he did actually kinda like the idea of him and Edward... he would have to make sure not to tell Bella. His sister would probably kill him for liking Edward, he saw the way she glanced at him. He wasn't blind, Bella was crushing on Edward. And hard by the way she held her breath anytime he came around...

"Did you ever learn the story of Rasputin?"

Edward said this with a smirk and he looked over at James with a evil smirk that made James wonder where he was going with this.

"Yeah, he was that guy in Old Russian history that bone'd like... 30 people including the Queen of Russia... or so the song goes..."

"Almost but you missed a few important details. Rasputin had more then 30 people in his bed, closer to 50. But, according to his legend, shortly before he downfall something changed. Supposedly the Queen asked him to help her Son heal from a deadly ailment. Now the details are murky but one thing is clear, Rasputin had his way with the Queen's son. Now either it was consensual or he manipulated a sick guy depending on how you look at it. Either way, the Nobles found out and called for his execution. The Queen saw how the two fit together and declared that Rasputin could be with her son, this angered the noble men who plotted to assassinate Rasputin. Now depending on how you look at it they were right, Rasputin had his way with most noble women however, it was always consistent that the feelings were only one night stands. But Rasputin had apparently decided to pick a guy of all things to stick with. Now they manipulated Rasputin into a trap and poisoned him. This had no effect as he was too strong for their poisons, so as history goes they just shot him until he stopped getting back up."

James was really confused about how this story related to LITERALLY anything in their situation and Edward let out a small cough of embarrassment.

"Sorry I'm a history nerd. Either way I think it best if we... did not pursue this. Not that your not a great guy but, I'm not. I don't want you to get hurt by my family or the situations we get ourselves into. I'm not going to lie its a miracle my family has survived as long as we have, and I don't want you to end up being a casualty of my... mistakes."

Edward said this and let go of James's hand as they pulled into the driveway and Alice was standing outside with a excited grin, James didn't even get to say anything as Edward was already out the Jeep door and heading inside, Alice's smile faltered lightly and she looked over at James with a look of reassurance. He opened the Jeep door and simply tried to contain the geyser of emotions that suddenly started to erupt, Alice saw this and immediately was by his side. She expected tears or something of the sort, not what he said next...

"I'm not giving up that easily on you guys, give me hell all you want but I'll see myself standing with a proper family with people who do very much care about me despite what they try to say. Cold as you might want to seem, you are better then anyone else here. As distant as Edward might want to seem, I know his heart is trying to drag him back out here with everything he has."

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