Part 170

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"Thats easy our eyes can distinguish chakra by its color didn't I tell you this earlier," I said

"You could see the position of the land mines?! But what would you have done if the land mins exploded?!" Deidara said looking at Sasuke

"It was one or the other. But I had another back-up plan. Although I didn't have a chance to demonstrate it," Sasuke said as we walked towards Deidara he try to stand up but fell back down.

"Where is Itachi?" I said as Deidara made his clay into snakes as it went around me and Sasuke legs as we made lightning go around them as it was going towards Deidara as Deidara let it go before it reach him. As Deidara was breathing heavy but that lightning took it out of me as me and Sasuke clasped on the floor breathing heavy.

"You both may try to look good but you're barely managing too. It seems you guys chakra got drastically low, I win. I still have Detonation Clay to Huh?! Under there conditions shouldn't you both be panicking a little? This time my art will kill you for sure!," Deidara said as me and Sasuke just stared at him not moving as Deidara laughed nervously.

"Thats what pisses me off about the both you! All three of you! You two and Itachi! Don't pretent to be so cool! Those eyes! That overconfident eyes irritates me! As if it denies my art! Its unforgiveable! Thise eyes which show absolutely no respect for my art. Those eyes that ignore my art are unforgiveable!" Deidara said

"We couldn't care less about such a thing. Never mind that. Tell us where Itachi is," I said as are Sharingan deactivated

"So you both drawn back your Sharingan you both really take me lightly!" Deidara said as he took his shirt off it was a mark on his chest as he put his hand there as he took out the staples as it was another mouth as he was feeding it clay as lines appeared around his body.

"This is my ultimate art...! Now I will detonate myself with death I will become art. This never before seen explosion will leave a never before seen scar on this land. And...! My art will win never before seen admiration! In the midst of my admiration, you both will definitely die!," Deidara said as me and Sasuke try to stand up but we fell back down. Damn it why am I so drained.

"An explosion that will cover a ten-kilometer radius. You won't be able to getaway! Now tremble with fear! Be in awe! Despair! Scream," Deidara said

"Sasuke I can't move," I said as he looked to me as he reaches out to me as I reach for his hand grabbing it as he pulled me into his arms.

"My art is," Deidara said as he was fully sucked into the mouth. I can't summon my dragons. As the thing started to crack as it made a big explosion.

"An explosion," Deidara yelled

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