Part 101

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The next morning, everyone looked awful. Messy hair, roughly dressed and dark eye bags were just the physical symptoms of a bad night's sleep. Everyone felt ten times worst. Only Kakashi looked happy.

"COme again! Come again! Thank you! Come again! Come again!" the hostess waved us off.

After an hour of us walking, we finally arrived at the farm. 

"Okay! Get to your posts and do your jobs! Meeting adjourned!" Kakashi commanded and he set off towards his own post.

After Kakashi had left hearing range, we huddled together, "Hey, is anyone else super exhausted? I'm way too stressed now," Naruto grumbled. I feel fine tho

"I won't be able to take much more for much longer," Sasuke said

"Me too, Sasuke-kun," Sakura muttered

"Then it's time for our last plan!" Naruto exclaimed

"Last plan?" we all echoed emptily.

Naruto opened his bulging pack and took out the three suits he took from the hotel. Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto each put one on. I told them Im not putting one on.

"What is this anyways," Sakura asked

"Can't you tell? Ninja uniforms," Naruto said expertly

"Now what?" Sasuke said

"We're taking his mask off by force!" Naruto declared. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked by Kakashi to finish the mission.

Soon Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke appeared disguised in the suits Naruto stole.

"Huh? What happened to you 3?," Kakashi said

"What are you talking about, we're just ordinary ninjas! It's not that we want to see what's under that mask or anything..." Naruto said

Which made Sakura push him making him fall.

"BAKA! Don't be saying anything unnecessary!" Sakura said. I rolled my eyes.

Kakashi tied up Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto and the three that have been hiding appeared

"Phew, I was wondering how much longer you'd be sneaking around in the shadows, but you've finally came out," Kakashi said

They got scared

"But before that, Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura... why are you wearing that? Kakashi said

"You fell for it! We knew that you were after Kakashi- sensei all along!" Sakura said. I rolled my eyes she actually thought for once.

"This was a trap to lure you guys out. You fell for it," Sakura continued

"I don't get it but oh well." Kakashi said going towards them but they started to move back so without them noticing. I walked slowly behind them.

"Where you going," I said with a smirk

"Please forgive us!" they said in unison

While Kakashi tied them and beat them up I went to the others and untied them.

"They really convinced you," I said to Sasuke

"We are not going to talk about this," Sasuke said

"Maybe, maybe not," I said as he glared at me.

We were now going back to the village when Naruto stopped and said

"Say, Kakashi- sensei," Naruto said

"Huh," Kakashi said

"What's under that mask?" Naruto asked

"What? You wanted to see what's under this mask?" Kakashi said

"Yes," Naruto answered

"Then you should have said earlier,"Kakashi stated

"Then will you show us?" Sakura asked

"Sure." Kakashi said

"What?" They said in unison

His hand reach up and hook around the corner of his mask.

"Here goes..." He said in a low voice, adding to the dramatic setting.

Several possibilities flashed through our minds as slowly. His mask came down.

"Under the mask is...?" He gripped the cloth tighter as he pulled.

"...Is....?" We all leaned closer, holding our breaths I can't believe I'm really falling for this.

He ripped his mask away, "ANother mask!" he laughed heartily, "Surprised?" he teased.

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke fell to the floor as I slapped my hand to my head shaking my head.

Kakashi continued to laugh as we pushed ourselves back up to our feet.

"What the hell?!!" Naruto wailed. I walked towards Sasuke grabbed his hand to walk home.

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