Part 122

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"Blast," Tayuya said

"You wouldn't fall for the same trick over and over, huh..?" Shikamaru said

"Small fry... You've got nerve," Tayuya said

Well, I guess I'll settle for just having been able to let him get away. Remember this. It's not just Jutsu that are weapons," Shikamaru said 

As the battle of Tayuya and Shikamaru is going on Kiba is also battling Sakon that not the only thing Sakon has a double.  Kiba was able to beat Sakon and the double thanks to Kankuro but Akamaru got badly hurt. As for Shikamaru, he won the fight thanks to Temari but he ended up breaking his finger. As for Naruto, he is trying to catch up to Kimimaro to get y/n and Sasuke.

Orochimaru hideout

"But that kid, how wonderful it is that he can move with that body, eh? Kabuto, I don't know what kind of order you gave him, but it's a bit harsh," Orochimaru said

"Not at all. It wasn't an order. I don't like to force things. He acted on his own. For you whom he reveres," Kabuto said

"Kabuto... you've really got a hateful personality, don't you?" Orochimaru said

"Lord Orochimaru to you, Kimimaro was a perfect existence... His thoughts were steeped in darkness in the same way as yours. And he sanctified you. And he fanatically admired and revered you. Moreover, he was of the legitimate bloodline of the Kekkei Genkai, the Shinobi clan with the strongest and perfect bodies until a short time ago," Kabuto said

"Yes," Orochimaru said

"When I think about having lost him, I still get a chill down my spine. I think about it even now... The man I truly wished for... The body I wanted the most... Kimimaro. And if only he hadn't been stricken with disease, the assassination of the Hokage would've gone smoother," Orochimaru said as he had a flashback with the battle of the Third Hokage and how much pain he been in from the shower.

"We wouldn't have needed to go through such an experience. In the world, very often things don't go as want them to,"Orochimaru said

"It's only a matter of time, Lord Orochimaru," Kabuto said

Back to Naruto

As Kimimaro was running with the coffin. He stops in the middle of the field looking back. As Naruto appeared.

"Hold it, Hey...!" Naruto yelled as he landed behind Kimimaro as Kimimaro turned around to see Naruto eyes is red he is using the nine tails fox.

"Now than.. how shall I defeat you, you, those eyes," Kimimaro said

"What does Orochimaru want to do...? Why's he after Sasuke and y/n?" Naruto yelled

"Lord Orochimaru has already obtained Immortality Jutsu... A long time is necessary to get every Jutsu and obtain everything," Kimimaro said

"What does that have to do with Sasuke and y/n?!" Naruto asked

"Immortal doesn't mean that the flesh is being maintained as is... Before his body decays, a strong and new flesh will be made into a vessel for his soul," Kimimaro said

"That.. Are you saying that's Sasuke?!" Naruto said

"No its the other one y/n, Sasuke is going to be our brainwashed puppet that will help Orochimaru for power," Kimimaro said

"I won't let such a thing happen!" Naruto said as he used his nine tails power making a hand sign.

Orochimaru hideout

"How could the Four Ninja take so much time? Did they send such strong people after them who could hold them up... are they playing around too much? Well, the one that's probably delaying things is... either Jirobo who gets hungry a lot, or Kidomaru who likes to play. But the one that's the most dangerous when losing his temper is Sakon. He's not satisfied until he kills his opponent, even though he should just leave things be. He thinks he's the strongest of the four, so he shows off. I wonder if thats so. Tayuya has a personality thats neck and neck with Sakon. But in any case, nothing bad will happen since we sent that kid," Kabuto said

"Kimimaro, He'll surely clean up anything that is not good for me," Orochimaru said

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