Part 57

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"So, which one of you has it?" We didn't say anything. "Hm. Fine then. I guess I'll just have to take you all out!" He then rushed us.

He launched at us. Sasuke jumped up and performed some hand signs" Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" fireballs went for the enemy. The enemy avoided all of them.

So I ran up to him with chakra fist punched him hard and he hurtled to the ground and crashed harshly.

I then noticed Sasuke threw his kunai at the roped restraining Naruto, freeing him.

I was able to kick the Ninja before he was able to sneak up behind me. He was on the ground slowly getting up. I smirked as he jumped away to avoid Naruto's kunai. We all were about to attack him until we heard Sakura. "Are you alright?!" Sakura asked. Sasuke looked over to her. "Don't just stand there Sakura! Chances are this guy isn't alone. Watch out! The other could strike any minute now!"

I jumped towards Sakura. I don't even know why I choose to protect her. " I wish. I came alone so I wouldn't arise suspicion. Big mistake." The ninja said

The ninja was alone? He used this opportunity to escape.

After that, we gathered back together. "That proves that we can't just trust appearances. We have to come up with a way of knowing that each of us is what we say we are and not just some imposter using a transformation jutsu," Sasuke said

I nodded, and Sakura asked what. " We need a password. A secret one. Something is only known to the four of us. And don't trust anyone who doesn't know it. No matter what." Sasuke said

Sasuke does have a point. "Okay, listen because I only want to say this once" We leaned in to listen carefully. "The question will be: when does a ninja strike? And the response is" a ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. When his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for the ninja to strike."

Me and Sakura were able to pick it up, but of course, Naruto will be the one to have a hard time. "The key word in password Sasuke is a word, not speech," Naruto said.

Soon Naruto claimed he knew it. Sasuke stood. "Alright, I'll take the scroll." I don't mind it either he's going to hold it or I will. Naruto was about to argue, but a gust of wind caught our attention.

"What was that?" Naruto asked. We looked in the forest for any signs of people, but there was no one there a giant gust of wind smacked into us and flung us away. I flipped backward as the wind pushed me I tried to grab something but I couldn't I felt something grip my wrist. I was pulled into Sasuke chest as we flew farther away.

He managed to break the air current and hide us under a bush. Sasuke turned fast to see Sakura.

"Sasuke it's you!" She started to run towards us, but Sasuke held out his kunai and thrust his arm out, so his arm was blocking me. Even tho she forgot about me. " Stop stay there! First, answer the question When does a ninja strike?" He questioned.

"A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. When his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for the ninja to strike." Sakura said

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