Part 7

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"You talked," Everyone in the room shouted except Sasuke I just shrugged my shoulders and turned my head to look at Sasuke.

"What are you smirking for?" I asked Sasuke

"I'm yours huh," He said smirking

"What,!!" I exclaimed blushing

After I was able to calm down. I looked up Naruto climbed on the table and started looking at Sasuke inches away."Sasuke, Sasuke. It's always him what's the big deal with this guy." Then someone accidentally pushed Naruto. And yeah they were kissing. Everyone blinked no one could believe it. They both started coughing. Sasuke should be glad that Naruto didn't take his first kiss. I know you kissed Sasuke yeah I did but nobody else know it was by accident I was leaving my room one day and he was walking pass we crashed into each other we fell to the floor all I felt was soft lips on my lips we got up so fast avoiding eye connect it took each other 3 days for us to look at each other again. But forget that thought.

"Narutoooo.You're dead.." Girls started punching him like a punching-machine.

While I was rubbing circles on Sasuke back while he put his head in his hands.

"Okay, guys enough" Iruka- sensei came everybody take took a seat and started listening. He couldn't come in here earlier. "I know it was hard to become a genin but now it will only be harder. Now I will announce teams.

little- Timeskip

"Team 7, Naruto Uzumaki" For the first time naruto started listening." Sakura Haruno" Naruto happy shouting "Oh yeah" While Sakura was saying, I'm, dommed. "Sasuke Uchiha and y/n Uchiha.

Me and Sasuke look at each other and gave a smirk with a fist pump.

"See I told you we will be on the same team," said Sasuke.

"Don't get full of yourself," I replied

"Hn" he replied.

-time skip-

 "How long will Our Sensei Arrive?! Naruto yelled

After a few minutes, I notice Naruto was putting an eraser on top of the door.

"This is what he gets for being late," He giggled.

"He's A Jounin you idiot" Sasuke scolded.

"Yeah! What Sasuke-Kun said!" Sakura yelled.

I didn't feel like being involved with this so I just put my head down shaking it.

On cue, the door Opened and the eraser dropped on top of the man's head. The man bent and picked up the Eraser and placed it on the table.

"My first Impression on you Guys? .... Your all Idiots... Meet me in the rooftop" He said then Proofed away.

O he used the teleportation jutsu. He might not be so bad.

"See you guys later," I said.

"What you mean," Sakara said

I made the hand signs of the jutsu and appeared in front of the man.

"Guess you knew the jutsu I did," the man replied

"Yup," I replied

2 minutes later everyone finally arrived to the roof. While Sasuke gave me a glare I guess he's mad I left him behind with those two. O well to late.

"So, why don't you introduce yourselves? What you like and Hate, You Dreams and Hobbies" The Man said with a closed eye smile.

Why don't you introduce yourself first, Sensei?" Naruto stated. "Alright, My name is Kakashi Hatake, I don't feel like telling you my likes and dislikes, My dream? Hmm, I don't know my Hobbies? I have lots of them" He exclaimed.

"You only told us your Name!" Sakura Exclaimed, an irk mark appearing on her head.

"Okay, Why don't we start with you, Blond?"

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