Part 94

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Sasuke jumped over the railing, heading down the street and stopping at random hotels, I was following close behind. "Is there a blond, stupid-faced guy about my age and large white-haired man staying here?' Sasuke said as he slapped his hand down on the counter.

"Hm," The man said thoughtfully, "Yeah, I think I know the people you're looking for," The man stepped out behind the counter as he looked at me.

Sasuke stood in front of me. "which room? He asked.

The man frowned, Second floor, the tenth door on your right," He sighed. Sasuke grabbed my hand as we ran up the stairs.

I ran ahead and opened the door. But they weren't the ones we were looking for it was a young blond boy and an old man.

"Damn it," I said but then I sense Naruto chakra.

"Sasuke I sense Naruto lets go," I said. He nodded his head as we ran towards Naruto. We ran up a few more stairs and stopped at a hallway intersection. I can sense a strong chakra I know its Itachi.

The two of us burst around the corner to see Naruto standing there. It was two tall figures accompanied him, one of them was blue-skinned with small eyes and gill-like streaks under his eyes, the other one was him. Itachi Uchiha the killer of our clan the brother of Sasuke, my old role model. Me and Sasuke had a sharigan activated.

"It has been a while, Sasuke, Y/n," Itachi said calmly.

Naruto looked at us, his eyes wide with confusion, "Itachi..," Sasuke started "Uchiha," I said finishing his sentence coldly with a glare on my face.

"Eh?" Naruto squeaked.

The blue-skinned man snickered, " A special day indeed. This is the second time I've seen another Sharingan."

"We will kill you," Sasuke snarled

"Sharingan's, you both seem to be familiar with Itachi. Who is these two," The man directed the last question to Itachi.

"He is my younger brother, she was like a little sister to me," Itachi murmured slowly.

The blue man gave Itachi a curious look, " I heard that the entire Uchiha clan was wiped out," He paused, "By you." That has got me angry it is none of his business I put chakra in my hand and disappear without anyone noticing and appeared in front of the blue guy punched him so hard he went flying towards the wall but he caught himself before he crashed.

"You little brat," He said. I walked back to Sasuke.

"If you don't know what's going on keep your mouth shut got it," I said.

Sasuke had a Lightning Edge glowing in his hand, " We been wanting to say this to you: We both have lived hating you, we trained, are only reason to live was for us to kill you," Sasuke said as he grabbed his collar with his other hand and thrust his lightning Edge hand in front of him.

"Lightning Edge?" Itachi murmured to no one in particular.

Sasuke ran at him, ripping a trail into the wall. "GRAGH!" I was letting Sasuke have his turn as I watch the shark guy make sure he don't jump in.

"Sasuke's attack was stopped by Itachi.

"What nooo," I whispered. Itachi's hand curled around Sasuke's wrist, the jutsu was nowhere near him. Sasuke tried to squirm out of his brother's grip but his efforts were fruitless.

"Oh no you don't," I said as I added chakra into my hands and ran up to Itachi but the shark guy got in the way I kicked him and he flew back and actually crashed into the wall coughing a little bit of blood. I got to Itachi I punch him but he was able to catch my fist. How I wonder but I wasn't going to stand there I kicked for his head he released my hand to block my kick. He won't release Sasuke. A sudden powerful feeling washed over me and I looked at Naruto, some type chakra was coming out of his body. But because I wasn't paying attention Itachi was able to kick me away so hard I crashed into the wall coughing up blood.

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