Part 46

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He handed us the forms. Naruto cheered and jumped and hugged Kakashi around his neck. " Hey don't slobber on my vest." Me and Sasuke sweatdropped. Apparently, we had to get ready within five days. And Naruto was cheering ' Chunin Exams.'

Hm. Chunin exams huh? There are going to be a lot of strong imponents. I can't wait. Throughout the days I've noticed more and more ninja's from foreign lands appearing. I was even more excited.

Me and Sasuke were walking back home and I felt like someone was watching me.

"What's wrong," Sasuke asked

"I feel like someone is watching me," I said

" I have been feeling that to I thought I was the only one," Sasuke said

I just shrugged my shoulders and continued walking. There was a kunai coming at us I turn around and blocked it. "Whoever you come out now," I said

Me and Sasuke were in fighting positions while a guy jumped down with the hat and half cover face mask. Me and Sasuke ran to the guy fighting him. I was about to send a powerful punch before the guy told me to stop. I stop me and Sasuke was confused. I looked at the guy he had a familiar chakra.

"Iruka what are you doing we could have hurt you," I told him. He smiled. "I just wanted to test you guys out and see if you're ready for the exams." Then he puff away

Me and Sasuke look at each other with confused looks. Sasuke just shrugged his shoulders as we continued to walk home.

-----Time skip Exams---

"Well it's about time.," I said as Sakura finally arrived.

It's the day of the exams. She looked at Sasuke a tad worriedly. What she looking at him for if she not ready she shouldn't have come.

We started walking inside. There was a large crowd. I had a big smirk on my face now.

Some kid with a bowl cut was punched away. I wanted to laugh but I didn't we pushed our way through the crowd. I noticed that they had genjutsu up I'm surprised people didn't notice it. They might be weak after all.

"It's not worth our time. Now reverse the genjutsu. We can see right through your illusion anyway. We're going to the third floor." Sasuke said

Of course, Sasuke will notice it. "Well, well. you noticed the genjutsu."

Sasuke turned to Sakura. " Go ahead and tell them Sakura. I'm sure you saw it before anyone else did."

I snickered. I guess hanging out with Naruto and Sakura we started warming up to them. "You have the sharpest eyes and the best analytical eyes in the squad. You must have seen it coming a mile away," Sasuke said

"I must have? Well sure. Of course, I spotted it right away. This is the second floor," I rolled my eyes Liar. Naruto nodded as well. I bet he didn't get it either but at least Sakura got a little confident. "So you noticed an illusion. Now let's see you deal with this! " one guy went to kick Sasuke. I stepped forward about to grab the guy leg but the kid in a green jumpsuit and bowl cut stopped his leg from hitting me. I was mad that he did that but I wasn't going to show it.

Well he's not as weak as I thought he was. He's fast. A Hyuga and a girl with twin buns walked over to him and I walked to stand next to Sasuke. 

Sasuke Best friend/ or lovers (Sasuke x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz