Part 102

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We have been going on missions but the last one put Sasuke and I in the hospital again. It's getting me angry on how weak I'm becoming. I know Sasuke feel the same way because we have been keeping a distance from Naruto and Sakura for the past few missions. Me and Sasuke is sitting into are hospital beds staring out the window. We are angry that Naruto is surpassing us. How is that idiot passing us we are Uchiha's.

Soon we hear voices and we look towards the door.

"Hey! Sakura-chan!" Naruto said outside the door

"Huh?" Sakura said to me and Sasuke glared at the door as I clench my fist in anger.

Soon Sakura enters the room.

"I've brought you some apples," Sakura said to Sasuke I looked back out the window ignoring what's going on.

"Don't they look delicious? Where did I put the knife," Sakura said

"It's right in front of you," Naruto said. I clenched on to the blanks glaring at my hands.

"AH," Sakura said

"Ha, being nervous because you're with Sasuke?" Naruto said did they forget that me and Sasuke are dating. I bit my lip trying not to explode.

Soon I started getting a flashback of Naruto fighting Gaara and beating him and how he can summon that big frog and how Naruto was the one to save everyone. How Itachi said me and Sasuke are weak we don't have hatred. All the flashbacks stop I can hear Sakura cutting the apple.

"Well I finished peeling it. Now let's cut it so it's easy to eat, here you go Sasuke-Kun," Sakura said as she held up an apple. Sasuke glared at her and slapped it out her hand. Had a little smirk on my face.

"Ouch, What the," Naruto said as he jumped to his feet.

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura said

"What's going on?" Naruto said. We both glared at Naruto.

"What? you both don't have to stare," Naruto said as Sakura looked at all of us.

"Hey, Naruto," Sasuke started

"What is it," Naruto said

"Fight me, right now," Sasuke said

Sakura was shocked. I didn't care if I fight Naruto or not but If Sasuke beat Naruto. Naruto was never close to being our level.

"Huh, what are you saying? You've just been treated by old lady Tsunade." Naruto said

"I don't care just fight me," Sasuke said as Sharingan was activated

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura said

"You think you saved us? I don't care if she's the fifth Hokage, doing unnecessary things..!, Sasuke said. Naruto glared at Sasuke.

"What?!" Naruto said. Sasuke jumped out the bed taking his covers off I stood next to him with my arms cross.

"You said before you wanted to fight me, didn't you? I said I fight you right here and right now y/n will not jump in or are you afraid?" Sasuke said. Me and Sasuke smirked. Naruto clenched his teeth.

"Sasuke-kun, what's wrong," Sakura said

"Shut up, Sakura," I yelled as I activated my Sharingan looking at her.

"Naruto says something, why so, suddenly," Sakura said

"Perfect timing, I was just itching to fight you," Naruto said

"Why don't the both of you cut it out, okay," Sakura said.

I glared at her as Sakura shrank back a little bit.

Sasuke Best friend/ or lovers (Sasuke x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang