16: Headaches

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I pushed my food around with my fork with a tik mark visible on my forehead. I watch the two boys infront of me arguing across the dinning room table.

Infront of me was a spicy cinnamon roll clowning at a short E-boy across of him.

"Will you shut the bloody hell up!" Ciel shouts as he gives Alois a deadly glare. This only made him smirk in delight, "Oh, is my present bothering you? Too bad~" Alois sticked his tounge out at Ciel teasing him some more.

"Y'all needa chill before I take this aesthetic looking meal and slam in both of ya faces!" I snapped as I stuff more food in my mouth. Thankfully this got their attentions and they stop. I sighed in relief knowing I didn't have to sacrifice delicious meal to those that don't deserve it.

I went to attack my food with my fork again only to have it met the table instead. I gave a blank stare as I saw my plate was missing...

"Okay where the fuck is my food!?" I slam my fist on the tables making both boys flinch.

I suddenly heard giggling from behind making me slowly turn around in rage.

There I saw on the floor near the widnow was a familiar devil boy.

"You son of a bi-"

"I can explain!!" He says with a mouth full of food.

Before Tyson could even say anything else I was already attacking him on the floor. I was too busy to hear the boy at the table back at it again with the fighting.

It was a literary mess in the dining room.

Two boys with swords at each other's neck while a few feet away two siblings fighting over food with half of it spilled all over the floor.

A sudden bang of the doors slaming open made all of us stop and look. There stood Sebastian and Claude.

"Claude! Perfect timing! I was hoping you have the marriage contract with you like I asked for!" Alois pipe up making Ciel attack him with words even more. "You idiot! Who said she agreed to marry you!" "Well she'll definitely not marry someone as boring as you!" He argues back.

They started fighting again as Tysin was eatting the rest of the food on the plate while I was distracted with the fight. "You fool!" I screamed as I tucked on the plate.

"Imma kill you!" I growled in his face.

"Then you'll go to jail for murder, HA! I win!"

"No! I'll just explain to them it was a delayed abortion. NOW GIVE ME BACK MY FOOD!"

"Silence!" Sebastian voice boomed in the room, echoing off of the dining rooms walls.

This made all of us stop in our places. Sebastian sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Too think humans can give me such a headache like this." He mumbled.

He ended up making us all sit back at the table and watch us like a hawk. He made sure we wouldn't start World War 3.... or should I say 1 at this ponit?

After dinner I spend time with Alois before I stop by Ciels office. I knocked on his office door as he called out to let me in.

There he sat in his chair bored as always. "Hey short stack." I said with a wink. He only rolled his eye but soon gave me a small smile. "What is it?" He asked as though he didn't care, but I heard the love in his voice, even with a small sentence like that. "Just wanted to check up on you that's all." I said honestly.

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