4: bootyful & booty shorts

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(Y/n) POV~

I looked at the piece of clothing laying on my bed with one of my eyes twitching.

"I thought he said I didn't have to wear a maids outfit" I growled looking over at a smirking butler. "Well apparently our Master changed his mind. He thought you would act more like a lady if you wore the attire for it" He says. "So I manage to sew a dress for your fitting." Just then Tyson pop his head in "I help too! I looked up a dress and showed it to him. Aww you'll look so much like Rem and Ram!" He squeals.

"Who's Rem?" I asked.

He inhales deeply and dramatically brought his hand to his forehead "The feelings. IM TRIGGERED!" He whisper the first part but then dramatically yells. "Um ok. You two get out while I change!" I command as I shove them both out of my room. I sighed as I looked over at the dress. "Im about to kill myself" I mumbled and begin to change. Once I was done, I looked at my self in the mirror.

"I hate these sleeves! And this ugly cloth choker too!" I yelled as I rip the sleeves and the piece of cloth that wrapped around my neck. "Much better" I said with a smile. (Pic up top is ur maids outfit. But minus the sleeves and cloth choker⬆)

"Ok! Im ready to do nothing and say I worked!" I yelled as I step out of my room. "Ehhh!? What did you do to your outfit!?" Yelled Tyson. "I made it wearable" I snap at him. "You're showing to must skin tho" Tyson mumbled. "When have you ever worried about me showing to much skin?" I asked. "Um always!" He complains.

I turn on my heels and grab Sebastian pulling him away "Whatever, I do not care. And btw you're the one that pick this style. So it's kind of your fault this skirt is too high" I growled leaving a crying Tyson behind.

"So (Y/n), are you ready for your first day of work?" Sebastian asked me. I just laughed. "I'll tell you what I tell you the same answer about the first day of school; I ain't going to do shit!" Then I laughed some more. "My my, what a colorful vocabulary you have there. We must fix that" He mumbles. "You can try" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Anyway. It's time for training" He said with a serious face and tighted his glove by pulling it down more. I gulped "Oh no" I said.

6 hours later~

I was laying on the floor catching my breath, wishing death would take my life already.

"Oh it wasn't that bad now was it (Y/n)?" Sebastian asked standing over me. "I hate you" I mumbled. "Now now (Y/n), we must not lie" He says with a wink.

I couldn't help but blush. 'Omg (y/n), don't blush! Gosh, why does anime people have to be so hot!?' I yelled in my mind, hoping I didn't say that out loud. "Now we have to repair for dinner" He says as I got up.  "NoW wE hAvE tO rEpAiR FoR dInNeR" I mocked him with a old dead meme. "Come along (Y/n)."

We got to the kitchen, well more like drag me against my will, and he was now laying out the ingredients. He then made a annoyed face "It seems we're low on a few important ingredients. I guess we have to go to town now" He said towards me. I was laying on the table that was acorss the room but then sat up on it "Or we can call the nearest pizza place?" I suggested.

"Nevermind" I said after seeing the confused look on Sebastian's face. "I'll get the carriage ready for us" He says as he disappeared. "What?! Where he go!?" I yelled. "He's a demon, remember?" I heard a annoying voice behind me. "Ugh, what you want Tyson?" I asked as I turn around. Tyson was standing by the door in his bulter suit giving me a smirk "You're going to love it here. Muhahaha" He says as he left me alone.

"Psfft. Whatever creep" I say and started walking to the front of the manor. Once I was there I saw Sebastian infornt of the carriage waiting for me. "Are you ready Miss?" He says as he helds his hand out towards me. I just rolled my eyes at his handsom- UGLY DOG LOOKING FACE!.. Yeah, that's what I meant to say.

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