9: Planning for the ball

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Alois Trancy POV

It was just a kiss. Nothing more. I kept telling myself this but I couldn't seem to believe myself.

I was only trying to tease and break (Y/N) but the more time I spend with her the more I started craving her. Her presence. Her looks...

Her lips.

I hate this feeling. I don't understand it. I don't want to be apart from her and what's worse is the fear  that she'll leave me. Or that stupid Earl with take her away from me. He can't. I won't let him! We're having the ball tonight. The night where I'll be trading her for him. But of crouse I won't let him take her from me. Never. I couldn't concentrate on my work as the thought of (y/n) clouded my mind.

"Your highness. You must start preparing for the Ball. You can finish what work you didn't do later." Claude said beside me. I sighed heavily as I got up and nodded "Fine. Make sure everything is ready for the guest. I want Phantomhive tonight." I say as I exist out of my office. My butler bowed to me understanding. "Oh and another thing Claude... Don't let them take (Y/n) away. If they take her you're in deep trouble" I growled. 

He bowed at me again. "Yes your highness." With that I headed towards my room where I pass by (Y/n) in the halls. She look at me and gave me a smirk "Shouldn't you be getting getting for your ball tonight Cinderella?" She says sweetly but with sarcasm? "I am. Help the other servants get the place ready and ask Hannah later for a costume. Because your going to be my date for tonight." I commend as I walk away from her.

"Aw.  Am I your date? You my Prince Charming?" She says as she came up to me hugging my arm. Usually I would slap or hurt a servant if they were to touch me but when she did it... it was a totally different feeling. "Shut up, yes you are. Now shouldn't you be working?" I looked down at her and notice how close she really was to me. My eyes travel from her (E/C) eyes down to her pink lips. I had to pull back my urge to kiss her.

"Workings boring but whatever. I'll see you later." She says as she skips away.

She truly is different.

I won't let her leave..

Ciel POV~

°Few days ago°

"Where is she!?" I yelled at Sebastian how informed me that (Y/N) was missing. "Im Sorry. She's no where around the manor and her brother doesn't know either. But if I may say I do have a idea where she might be." He said the last oart a little darkly.

"Where?" I asked quickly. The thought of (Y/N) not being her bothered me for some reason. I figure out she was missing when she didn't give me my Morning tea and ranted to me about something stuipd. Even though it's annoying I do enjoy waking up to see her smiling face and learning something new from her. I can't have her be gone.

"The Trancy manor. As I was looking throughout the manor when I scene a foul smell that belong to the butler of the Trancy house hold." He explained. Immediately my hands turn into fist as my anger started to rise. "Then lets go get her! I can't just stand here and wait!" I yelled in panic. "Now now my young master. I think the best option would to wait till we see her at the ball and smoothly bring her back." Sebastian suggested.

"Buy what if she gets killed before then?" I thought out loud. Tyson on the side chuckles "Don't worry about her. She has her way. She knows what to do to not get in trouble... I hope" He said the last part to himself.

"Sebastian?" My butler looked over at me. "Trust me. I have a plan." I bite my lip and nodded. "Okay fine. But I'll be mad if I find a single scratch on her." I said as I got up and left my office pissed.

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