I Make A Choice To Trust- Virgil

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"So hold me tight. Hold me tight, or don't."

Roman was acting so weird, and I knew why. He was totally regretting trying to kiss me. He wouldn't look me in the eye, and when Patton offered me a ride, I heard him say, "No!" and Logan telling him to shut up.

Patton told me to go ahead into the building and they would go catch up with him. I knew what they were doing, but I wanted to go and find Jan and Remus. I knew I was still supposed to be mad, but I also knew if I wasn't there for too long, they would get caught doing some stupid shit. I was 100% of their impulse control.

I barely had time to look before the two of them practically ambushed me as I walked through the doors. Remus was going to say something, but he was interrupted by Dee.

"I noticed you getting out of the car with the 'in' group." He said and as my eyes darted to the hallway, it seemed everyone was pointing at me and whispering. I could practically hear them, What was he doing with them? They're not his group.

Remus shoved him. "That's not how this conversation was going to go, Janus," I could see Jan visibly flinch when Remus used his real name. "What we were going to say was 'Did you get to school okay?'"

"I would have said, 'Yeah, it's not bad.'" I dug my nails into my palms, and the jagged edges from where I bit them broke the skin slightly. Remus stared at Jan and cleared his throat meaningfully.

Jan sighed. "I'm sorry we teased you that much yesterday. We just didn't expect that. And he didn't seem your type. He still doesn't. But-"

"I think he might be my soulmate, and I've already ruined it." I blurted to them, softly enough so no one else could hear them.

Remus looked overjoyed and Jan was in shock. "I have so many questions, but how do you think you ruined it? You were looking quite cozy yesterday."

"He won't look at me. He spoke like he hated I was anywhere near him. And I think I really, really like him." I pulled my hoodie down.

"So, the initials are-"

"R.P. I need help, I don't know what I'm doing with him. He's so..."

Remus had a short, spastic laugh. "Sorry, just the idea of you coming to us for advice."

"I don't have a lot of options, you guys are the only ones that know," I shrugged. Unless he told Logan and Patton. "Trust me, you guys would not have been my first pick."

"I'll move on from the fact that was highly rude. And don't worry, we're going to be good at this. As long as you don't desert us for them." Jan smiled and my shoulders felt lighter. At least I had my friends on my side again.

I flipped him off. "I couldn't do that. Where would I get my daily fix of dumbass from?"

Remus smiled. "Your beloved doesn't exactly seem like the brightest bulb in the box." And just like that, everything seemed normal.

Roman walked in with Logan and Patton. Patton was giggling and Roman looked pained. "Will you two let it go? I regret telling you now!"

Patton spoke in between giggles. "I'm sorry, kiddo, but you are absolutely the type of person to freak out over dreams about mak-"

Roman stepped on his foot. Hard. Logan cleared his throat and the two suddenly seemed to notice me standing there. Patton pushed him forward as Jan did the same to me. We stumbled into each other, and my hands started shaking.

"Hi," It was a plain and simple start, and the lack of venom in his voice made me smile. "So, after rehearsal on Friday, Logan, Patton, and I were going to a party. And we-" Logan stepped on his foot. "And I was wondering if you all wanted to come."

I heard Remus snicker softly, but I ignored it. "After dance lessons, right? You said we'd do it again on Friday." I kept an even tone, not willing to get my hopes up yet.

For the first time, Roman seemed relaxed and he smiled a little. He actually looked me in the eyes for a second. "Yeah, after dance lessons. So, should I pick you up? We-"

"Actually I don't have space for all of us in the car," Logan suddenly interjected and I saw Roman flash him a glare. "How about Jan, Remus, Patton, and I go when school is done and you can come with Virgil after... the dance lessons." Logan put a weird emphasis on the last part.

Jan spoke up. "Sounds like a plan. We'll take my car and they can come after us in Logan's car." In that moment, some understanding passed between Logan and Jan. I couldn't quite pick up on it.

There was a silence, then I realized everyone was expecting me to say something. "See you in class, Princey." he smiled at the use of the name.

"See you around, sweet and sour." he headed off towards the classroom, Patton smiling and commending him on something.

Remus scoffed. "Yeah, you really need our help. You're so in control here. You're flirting but holding back and you have nicknames for each other. Nicknames!" he turned on Jan. "Why don't you give me nicknames?"

Dee smirked and bopped Remus's nose. "Sorry, love, would you like to be called a trash man more often?"

Remus pushed his arm away. "I take it back, you've made your point. But really, Virgil, I think you got this in the bag. We'll just be here to give a nudge every once in a while."

I did not feel like I had it in the bag. Roman changed so often, like a chameleon. One day, he would pull me close to him and whisper to me. Another day, he would barely look me in the eye. Roman was everything I loved and hated. He was comfortable, strong and kind. But he couldn't do stability and honesty.

Jan pulled me out of my thoughts as we walked down the hallways. I had trusted them with my secret and they pulled through. I had to put my faith in the cosmos that it knew what it was doing when they put R.P. on my skin. More than anything, I had to trust Roman and the fact that he was the real R.P. that was meant to be in my life.

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