Chapter 5

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I quickly shed my clothes, and hop in the shower, turning the heat up. The room gets steamy quickly, I smile as the hot water hits me. I rub the stick off me and wash my hair. Then, I just stand under the shower faucet, my mouth wide, collecting water. I spit it out, feeling like one of the American professional wrestlers. I chuckle at myself, then realize who I left in my bedroom.

I let Zayn in my house, Zayn is laying in my bed as I'm acting like an idiot in the shower. I quickly finish off, wrapping a towel around my waist. I look around, I would come in here forgetting clothes. I sigh and walk out.

Zayn's P.O.V

I was reading a random magazine I found on the floor when I hear the bathroom door open. I look over to see Niall, only with a towel wrapped around his waist. Boy, does he have a great body. Wait, what? Zayn, you're straight. I shake my head and look at him again. His skin is pale white, he walks into his closet pulling out some random clothes, then to his draw and he quickly runs back into the bathroom.

Niall's P.O.V

Once I leave the bathroom, I feel his eyes on me. I look over to see him looking at my chest. I blush and quickly run to my closet, grabbing a plain white tee-shirt and some loose jeans. Then I go to my dresser and grab a clean pair of boxers. How embarrassing.

I run into the bathroom, my breathing heavy. I still feel goosebumps on my skin. The things that guy does to my body, and he doesn't even realize. I slip my clothes on over my damp body, not caring about the water, and slip back into my room.

Zayn is now standing up, looking at the Justin Bieber poster on my wall. He looks over at me, "Really?" He asks, laughing.

"Hey, I'm a true belieber!" I say, defensively. This makes him crack up even more. He hears my stomach growl and looks at me funny.

"Didn't you eat, like two lunches?" He asks, his voice sounding playful

"So?" I say, smirking "I like food."

I skip down the stairs and scan my fridge for food. I push past the carrots Louis left hear and grab some Chinese food left over from last nights dinner and pop it in the microwave. I sit on the counter and face Zayn.

"Okay, so we made a deal. Now, tell me what's up with you and Louis." I say, looking it him.

Zayn sighs, he must of thought I had forgotten. He shakes his head and pulls a chair in front of me and stares into my eyes. "Listen, I will tell you this with all honestly, don't judge me on what I say and don't judge Louis on what you hear, Deal?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Deal."

Zayn's P.O.V

I tell Niall everything, how Louis and I were once best mates, how our mothers were best mates. We were the kids that would show up with matching power ranger lunch boxes and would walk around school like we were boss. We were great, until middle school.

I was bullied in school, I was young and different from all the other kids. I was one of the only Muslim kids around. Louis stood by my side, most of the time. Until he turned into one of the bullies too. I thought he was the only person I could trust. But, he betrayed me. He wanted popularity more then friendship, he wanted fake friends instead of me.

Sometimes, he would come over my house and pretend that we were still friends, pretend that he didn't laugh at me in school, didn't bully me. Deep down, I started to hate him, but at the same time he was the only person who would talk to me. The last year of middle school, that was the year that everything was thrown off balance. That was the year Louis admitted to me he was gay, I don't have anything against gays. But, by then, Louis was the leader of the pack, he could have stopped the harassment on me, but choose not to.

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