Lydia walk straightforward to us she look at me that means she acknowledge my existence "Hey Lydia- you look - that you're gonna ignore me" Stiles said while Lydia goes to the hallway

"You guys are the cause of this you know?" Stiles said my eyes widened as we walk to our first class

"And why do you think its us?" Scott says

"Dragging me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd association, I've been scarlet- nerded by you" He said to us

"Oh really then who among the three of us is the one who completed the whole story of star wars" I said he just bow his head he doesn't have an answer for that.

Time skip

Now I sat at the corner of the room cause I'm the kind of guy who doesn't want to involve at the discussion of our teachers. But I understand what they are saying I'm just lazy to talk to them.

"As of you all know..." The teacher begins to right the lesson while everyone is busy on taking notes. "There is indeed a body found in the woods last night" he says then he just continue the policies of the schools.

"Finally something interesting happened in this boring town" I hear Stiles whisper actually I'm on his back. "True" I said. Then a girl with a brunette hair came inside of our classroom with our vice principal. "Class this our new student.Allison Argent. please do your best to make her feel welcome" The vice principal said.

Allison sits behind Scott, I can see Scott slightly blush when he is about to give Allison a spare pen. "Looks like someone already has someone" I said Stiles nod in agreement.

The class continues.

I'm at now with Stiles and Scott having a Casual conversation about Allison. "She seems pretty nice" I said to them "Felix you always think everyone is nice even you think Jackson is nice before" He answered which is true. "Hey can't blame the person for trying right?" He smiled then Louise came to us. I greeted her "Can someone tell me how the new girl is here for five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's Clique?"She said to us

"Because she is hot. Beautiful herd together" Stiles stated I just face palm when I hear those words. "Then how am I here with you?" I ask "Because you love Scott and I too much to let us go." He said I just smile.

"Unfortunately" I said "So you're saying that anyone that isn't on Lydia's Clique is ugly?" Louise states, taken back by Stiles' comment. "Hey- its a theory" Stiles states back". "Sure seemed like it" Louise said glaring at Stiles. "Okay how about we just agree that we are all beautiful in our on way so there will be no blood on the floor okay" I said stepping between the two.

Time skip

Once I went to the bleachers to watch my two bestfriends play I can see Allison with Lydia sitting next to each other.

Scott is being the goalie and while he is getting to the field I see on how nervous he is but something strange happens when the coach blew the whistle he seems that his eardrums are getting destroyed for some reason. And well also the Jackass know by the name Jackson take full advantage of it and make a goal.

As Scott get up he seems to be focus and then he catch all the freaking balls and even pass one to coach. It seems that his reflexes are boosted as well his speed. Maybe... no he can't be, Scott will be the last person on earth to be that kind of thing.

Time skip

We are now in the woods our goal is to find the dead body as well Scott's inhaler. But as we are walking our conversation continues on how Scott played during practice. As all of you know I'm not a guy who is in to sports I do play lacrosse but nah I'm a slacker for a tiny bit.

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