New Roads! Chapter 13.5

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The first third-person point of view chapter of the second part of Ben's adventures and its opening chapter.

Chapter 13.5 can be considered a preface to the story's second arc...

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Chapter 13.5: The Birth of Centiped

In a small forest a group of five players, the archer named Trickster being their party leader, was grinding mobs when they heard men's voices coming from farther away.

Curious, they neared the origin of the noise and found a group of robbers positioning themselves for an ambush.

There were seven of them sword in hand and two more with bows at the ready. 

Trickster and his companions decided to wait and take them from behind as they are busy attacking their own prey. Obtaining the gratitude of NPC travelers or merchant caravans was always beneficial. 

A few minutes later, a heavily loaded cart and its driver appeared at the path curve. The driver was dressed in a long hooded cloak, hiding his face from anyone. On his hips, a black handle sword could be seen. 

As the cart neared the ambush the thieves stayed still and silent, waiting for the moment to attack. 

Trickster and his men were the only one to notice the bow and arrow prepared next to the man's seat. As soon as the first robber came out of hiding, shouting for the cloaked driver to halt his cart, the man grabbed the bow and shot at the criminal. He fell down dead with one shot, as his companions were shocked that their strategy had failed they hesitated to act. The driver seized this opportunity to fire on the archers that were now standing on top of moss-covered boulders. 

They soon joined their comrade in death. 

The six remaining robbers came to their senses and rushed at the man, one of them slashed at him with a rusty long sword, the man sidestepped to avoid the attack, grabbed the mans wrist and twisted it. The bandit released his weapon and was thrown on one of his companions and the two fell down in a tangle of arms and legs.

The man then directed himself to three of the robbers, one of them stepped forward, brandishing a heavy iron hammer, swung it at the man's torso. In a jump, the cart driver went above the hammer wielder and landed between his two companions. He kicked one in the gut and elbowed the second in the face in one movement, as the two curbed themselves in pain, he grabbed them and catapulted them on their friend who had turned around and was once again swinging his masse. The blunt weapon impacted with the back of a robber just before the driver placed himself behind his weilder and twisted his neck. Both robbers fell to the floor, the man with the broken back let out a pain-filled scream and lost consciousness.

Trickster and his group remained hidden, both impressed and astonished by the man's dexterity and speed.

The third man was joined with the five bandits remaining, the driver stood still waiting for them to make the first move. 

When two of them stepped forward he suddenly produced a pair of hatchets that he threw at the robbers. They buried deep into the men's body, cutting skin and cracking bone. 

He then put a hand on his sword and slowly unsheathed it.

The four surviving members of the bandit's crew had now realized how dangerous the lone traveler was. they were now looking for a way to flee without being killed. 

One of them simply turned around and started running towards the forest. The driver bent to his knees, grabbed a small knife hidden in his boot and threw it at the deserter. It pierced the man's hand as he touched the nearest tree. 

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