New Roads! Chapter 3

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Hi everyone! Before we start this chapter I would like to say that I don't know how to add pictures or videos to a chapter otherwise I would have l put this perfect picture that totally embodies Ben Varrant's avatar!

If you know how to add pics please tell me!

Enjoy this chapter.


Chapter 3: First Ranking

A week has passed since the launch of New Roads!, more than 6.5 million players had already connected and another one had pre-ordered the game.

Those already playing, like me, were a mere 6 thousand, with our one week advance we would be at the top of the rankings for a while.

The reason why I am talking about rankings is that I am currently logging on the New Roads! Official Website, indeed the first rankings will be available in a few seconds and I wanted to know how far the betas compared to me.

I refreshed the page I was on for the umpteenth time and finally the New Roads! Wall of Fame appeared. The page was simple, the words Wall of Fame were burning on top of a list of online names, next of them numbers were written.

The most famous player after this first week of gaming had only 226 fame. I quickly looked through the list I found myself in the upper middle of the list with my 40 points of fame.

I clicked on my own name, curious to see what kind of intel were available on me. A small bundle popped out under my name:

Name: Ben Varrant

Race: Human

Profession: Unknown

Level: Unknown

Path Followed: Unknown

No pictures available

No description available

No comments posted

It was really pathetic. I looked at the other players but they were all as empty as mine. Only a few top players had a few profession, levels or descriptions of their profiles. 


I took the time to change from my work outfit to a more comfortable baggy jeans and T-Shirt, prepared dinner for me and my sister than logged in. 

Because I had to go to work the last three days I didn't spend as much time online than before and decided to focus on completing quests instead of the time-consuming reading and exercising. 

I had managed to level up twice, finally reaching level 8 now I would be allowed to get out of the city. But before I had to equip myself.

That's when I remembered that the Golden Pack also included a few items. In my inventory I found a gold paper wrapped present box which once opened made several windows pop up.

You have opened your Golden Pack.

You will find in it a letter from a family member which will start an exclusive quest, a water gourd of premium quality, a skill book, two gold coins, and an extra backpack!

Gold coins!

A bronze coin will buy you a fruit or a bread.

200 bronze coins were worth 1 silver coin and 500 silver a gold.

In other words, a single gold coin was worth 100,000 bronze coins and I had two of them.

I am rich! No, wait! I am wrong. Right now it seems enormous but later on, it would be nothing. I have to be careful with every coin I spent.

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