I Wanna Hold Your Hand

Start from the beginning

"Long story, Pen. I'll explain later. It's nothing." I reassure her. She nods hesitantly and goes back to her own food. I shovel bite after bite into my mouth and I notice that Baz is staring at me.

"What?" I say, my mouth full with potatoes. He rolls his eyes but I notice a small smile playing on his lips.

"You're disgusting, Snow." I roll my eyes good naturedly (is that even possible with Baz? To not fight?) and I let my eyes fall from his face down to his plate. He has barely anything on there; just an apple, a slab of roast beef and a small pile of mashed potatoes. It seems like he's just moving his food around with his fork- not really eating anything. I don't know what possesses me to do this, but I squeeze his hand softly.

"Eat." I command simply. He looks at me curiously and shakes his head, shyly looking back down at his food. He still doesn't eat. I frown at him and I want to say more, but then Penny starts talking to me about the Humdrum. I'm not really paying attention to her, though. Baz stays quiet for the rest of dinner.

The walk back to Mummers House is almost peaceful. I say almost because I'm still unsettled about Baz not eating. Now that I think about it... I don't think I've ever seen him eat. Do vampires need normal food? I would think that they do. His hand is more jittery in mine than it was an hour ago, and I wonder why that is.

When we finally get to our room, Baz seems nervous. Which is weird because Baz is never nervous. He's a lot of things- irritating, infuriating, brave, ruthless, an arsehole- but he's not nervous. "So, um. How are we supposed to change, exactly? We can't very well sleep in our uniforms." He throws in a sneer, just because. I roll my eyes.
"I don't know... spell our shirts off, I suppose?" Baz doesn't usually sleep with his shirt off (I do, because I get quite hot at night) but I can't see how he's going to get one on when our hands are glued together. I can still feel Miss Possibelf's magic thrum in my fingertips, keeping us from separating.

Baz looks away from me, but spells both of our shirts off like I had advised. I have never seen Baz without a shirt on. That may be weird, considering we've been roommates for seven and a half years, but we've never dressed in front of each other. (Or undressed, for that matter. Unless you count me taking my shirt off for bed). He has abs. I hate that he has abs and I barely do. I have small abs, but you can only see them because I practically starve all Summer. But Baz... well Baz is well built. He has abs, and not just because he's scrawny. The bloody perfect git probably doesn't even have to try to have those. He just does.

"Get a pair of pyjama bottoms." I don't argue, I just do as he says and he gets his own as well. Oh. I forgot that we'll have to change bottoms. Without warning, I'm being tugged to our en suite. He goes inside, but has me stay right outside, closing the door most of the way until it almost touches our conjoined hands. I hear him moving around, trying to change his pants with just one hand. I've always been curious as to whether or not Baz can see himself in the mirror. I look through the small crack in the door and I see Baz. So obviously he can see himself. He's in just his boxers, trying to pull up his pyjama bottoms. His hair has fallen out of its usual slicked back state and he just looks so pale. Because he's a vampire I remind myself.

"Stop staring, Snow." He sneers into the mirror, looking me in the eyes. I feel all of the blood in my body rush to my face as I whip my head around, looking anywhere but at him. Blood. He's probably hungry. I don't have any concrete proof as to whether or not he's a vampire, but I'm fairly certain he is. And I'm sure he's hungry.

When he's done in the bathroom, we switch places and I change my bottoms (with much difficulty, I might add. I almost tugged Baz through the door and onto me). Before he can say anything to me about sleep or anything, I'm tugging him out of Mummers House and across campus.

Chamber by Chamber // SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now