True Love's Kiss

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Otp Prompt #2: Baz is put under a sleeping spell and only true love's kiss can wake him up... but what if nobody thinks he has a true love?

Surprise, surprise, Baz the attention seeker has found another way to get all of Watford obsessed with him. Well, maybe not all of Watford. Just most. Okay, maybe just some. Definitely at least some of Watford is obsessed with him right now. Penny says it's just me. But I know for a fact that Agatha is pretty bloody obsessed with the wanker right now, too. But of course, we're obsessed in different ways.

Yesterday morning, Ebb the goatherd found Baz fast asleep in the catacombs. I don't really know what Ebb was doing down there, but I know what Baz the vampire was doing down there. But that's beside the point right now. He was curled in a ball and Ebb just thought he had dozed off at first. But then when he hadn't woken up after twelve hours, we started assuming he wasn't waking up any time soon. Ebb and the Mage moved him to a separate room in the white chapel. I stayed with him practically all day yesterday to make sure he wasn't faking it and really plotting. Around 5am this morning, it became pretty apparent he wasn't.

I'm walking to my next class when I pass by the white chapel. I see someone walking in- which wouldn't be so suspicious if there was something supposed to be going on in there during this time of the day. But there's nothing scheduled in there right now. I'm pretty sure I know enough Latin to skip just one class today. And if I fall behind I can always have Penny help me when Baz inevitably teases me for it.

I follow the person inside the chapel. I can't tell who it is because they're in all black with their cloak pulled up so I can't see their face. The person moves swiftly, and I have to take especially long strides to keep up with them. When we turn a corner and walk into a room I recognize as Baz's temporary room, I summon my sword. No way is someone finishing him in his sleep. It just wouldn't be a fair fight. Not much of a fight at all, in fact.

I stay light-footed behind the person as I see them hover over Baz. I'm peeking in through a crack in the door, nearly holding my breath. Baz's hair has fallen out of its usual slicked back state and I just want to pull it out of his face for some reason. His shirt is unbuttoned part way, exposing his vampire white chest. The figure is over Baz's limp body and I see them pull something from their pocket and reach down to Baz. Before I even get the chance to run up and attack, the person muttered something and vanished into thin air. It takes a lot of work for a wizard to pull off a transportation spell.

I would be thinking more about it, but my feet move quicker than my brain, and soon I'm by Baz's bedside. He doesn't look hurt, or dead. He looks just as he did yesterday and this morning. Asleep, lips parted slightly while inhaling and exhaling. I so rarely see Baz like this. Calm. Without the fire behind his eyes. Without a sneer. Dare I say it, he even looks peaceful. I don't know how to feel about that.

"Simon..." Baz says so quietly, I have to lean in to hear him. Then he shifts slightly and a small snore escapes. A smile plays on my lips. Even my perfect enemy has flaws. Or maybe just one. Wait, did he just say my first name? He never does that. Why would he be dreaming about me? Probably plotting my demise, as always. I'll have to ask him about it when he wakes up. If he wakes up...

I circle around him about ten times, examining every square inch of him to make sure the figure didn't hurt him. That's my job. Finally, just as I'm about to leave, I see a peace of paper sticking out of his blazer pocket. I definitely wasn't there before. I carefully pull it out and unfold it to reveal the hastily written words:

This one is asleep

And asleep he shall stay

To wake him up, a small price to pay-

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