Fight In the hall

Comincia dall'inizio

"What are you doing!?" Mangrove demanded. But Kinkajou ignored him.

She pulled him down to the gates and out of the school. I followed and so did other people when they heard Kinkajou shout.

I turned the corner of the gate as well as the others Mangrove was still confused.

"What is this!?" he demanded again.

"Just wait! You won't regret it!!!" Kinkajou protested, then added "She said she would meet us here.

That when Mangroves face shot to face hers, as if saying 'What do you mean?'

Just then, a car pulled up and Mangrove gasped.

Kinkajou was shaking with excitement as a woman stepped out of the drivers seat.

It was the same woman in the picture of the file. Blonde hair, blue eyes, but now she was much more skinny.

I heard other teens gasp behind me when the woman was fully out of the car, standing there with both hand on her mouth staring at Mangrove.

"Orchid...." I heard him whisper.

He trembled up to her and they embraced each other. Orchid started crying and so did Mangrove.

Then Mangrove turned to Kinkajou and told her to tell Miss. Indigo he was having another day off. Then he mouthed the words to her 'Thank you'


Now I'm in class, which was PE in the gym by the way. Which means things aren't about to go down.


Riptide grabbed the ball first then dribbled it passed a couple of other people. When he was surrounded, he passed it to me where I jumped and slam dunked it into the basket.

So the game went on and my team won, like, we actually won!

I headed to the boys locker room and got changed back into my original clothes. Then as I left the gym, someone came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around to see Flame, great.

"Hey, what's your problem!?" he shouted.

"What's my problem!? What the heck dude! I didn't do anything!" I shouted back.

People turned to watch us.

"Don't play dumb Deathbringer! I know what you did!" he said, grabbing the collar of my shirt.

I laughed.

"What are you laughing at!?" he roared.

"Nothing, just the thought of you trying to threaten me" I said, smirking at him. He growled.

"Now then, what did I do?" I asked, grabbing his hands and pushing them off me.


I just stared at him, confused.

I shook my head and went to walk away, that is until he punched me in the back of the head. Now people were surrounding us.

"You son if a b****!" I roared and punched him in the gut.

He almost fell back but stopped himself and ran up to me, threatening to punch.

I dodged it and as he past me, I kicked his back, making him fall.

He got right back up and ran at me again, this time pouncing at me and knocking me to the ground holding me there as he punched me in the face a couple of times.

Blood started running down, out of my mouth and my cheeks were bruised.

I shoved him off me and this time locked him to the ground as well, punching him with no mercy.

He started coughing out blood as I gave him a black eye.

I got up and off him when I heard laughing in the crowd around us somewhere.

And as I expected, it was Darkstalker, with that other shy boy, Fathom.

Then when Darkstalker noticed me glaring at him, he smirked and disappeared into the crowd.

"Get back here!" I yelled but was stopped when a hand grabbed my arm.

"Deathbringer! My office now!" shouted Indigo, letting go of my arm.

I growled but did as she said.

As I walked through all the people, I saw Glory, with a sad look on her face.

I gave her a look saying 'I'm sorry...'

She just shook her head and walked off.

I sat down in the principals. She just glared at me for a while. I went to get up but she quickly said "What happened?"

"Well, he said I apparently 'humiliated' him, which I did no such thing!" I answered.

"Well, he wouldn't want to fight you for nothing!"

"You'd be surprised."

Indigo shook her head.

Then she got out her phone and showed me a picture on instagram.

Apparently, I had posted a picture of Flame, through his window, singing in the mirror with a toothbrush and wearing a towel.

I tried my best not to laugh at the picture.

"OK that is a bit funny.... But I didn't post that! I can even prove it to you!" I said, pulling out my phone.

She rolled her eyes but waited for me to show her.

I went in my insta, into my profile then immediately showed her.

"So, you did do it?" she said, narrowing her eyes at me.

"What!?" I said a bit to loudly.

I looked at my phone to see I had posted that!

But the thing is I didn't! And I think I know who did...

A/N: SUP! Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry I haven't updated in so long again, I've just either been to busy, forgot or just was to lazy.

Anyway thanks for all the support and all the votes! <3 use and c ya next chapter!

Pyrrhia High SchoolDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora