Chapter 18: Timing

Start from the beginning

The burning started to blind my vision. Again her anger got the best of her. Once the dark hit my sight her alpha magic ceased. I tilted my head down so she couldn't look into my eyes and try more, then I ran right. I heard the sound of a paw hitting the ground. My sight can back as I healed and the first thing I could see was her teeth almost at my throat, her now in wolf form as well. Before she reached my throat I spat all the leftover blackened blood straight at her open mouth. 

She jerked back as she started to slightly choke on the thickened disgusting smelling substance, before we both landed into each other. The force of her much larger wolf body slamming me back an extra few paces as my lower arm broke and healed just as we landed onto the dirt. I got up and walked toward her, relaxing my body. Giving off another softer growl. 

She growled back viciously and ran toward me again teeth baring. I didn't stop her, but I did tilt just enough that my shoulder took the blow. We fell back, her on top of me. She tried to rip my shoulder from its socket and as her claws dug into my chest. I relaxed more but shifted my shoulder up. Letting not a sound come from me. Then I took a sharp intake of breath as she bit in deeper now with a better angle. As soon as her teeth reached the joint of the bone I stiffened and with all my werewolf strength I slammed my shoulder back into the ground breaking it and cracking the blade into many pieces. It also cracked her teeth inward then out of her mouth. She tried to pull back but her other teeth were still lunged in and I was far too fast. 

I slammed down again and heard the loud yelp as her nose had bone and dirt crushed into it. 

Not even most Alpha's prepared for injuries to the still weaker nose. 

I shifted back into the non-wolf form and so did she. She tried to rip the pieces of bone from her face. Unable to heal until they were removed because they were lodged in there so deep. That was all the time I needed. I jumped forward and shoved her down, getting on top her. 

Her cerulean eyes looking at me wide with blood still covering her now healed face. Before she could even use any magic I used a little bit of mine.  The dark glowing of my werewolf magic surrounding her head and neck. I grit my teeth, and then shifted everything covered by the magic out of place. 

Alpha Su-mi screamed a blood curdling scream, but I held it. Held in my pain too as I continued moving each piece back and forth in the wrong direction, breaking every little bone. Then I jumped up, standing above her quickly as she in a full rage tried to claw at anything she could reach while the bones kept shifting more and more out of place, the organs. 

I could feel my lungs stop as the pain became overwhelming. 

I had to do it now. 

I stiffened and for just a second shifted it all into each other. Each organ collapsing within itself. Both my hands, wrist, and ankles broke with the action and I fell weak to the ground on top of her. Her now lifeless eyes glazed over with more blood looking only into mine. The pull was at full drive now which was actually the only thing that kept me from dying. As since I held enough to prevent it from pulling my actions, it went out of control  and managed to on overdrive pull most of the rest of me into quick submission, not allowing the magic to damage the areas it could have. 

I breath a sigh of relief, astonished I had been able to time it enough to work. If I had stiffened just a bit more before hand or challenged even slightly more during this, giving just a hint of emotional recklessness Alpha Su-mi had... it wouldn't have worked. We would have both been dead. 

Death's strong grip yanks me up to a standing position. My healed legs still too weak and barely holding me up. 

All I can do is stare at Alpha Su-mi and her mangled face, arms still in a clawing position trying to stop the pain. There was nothing clean or merciful about this. After a second the hands tipped forward and remained still, resting on her on top of each other as if to beg, but her eyes still look upward and abyss like at the morning sky. The blues practically bouncing off each other. Dead like this, no one would have ever known the dangerous creature that Su-mi was. 

I gulped. 

Death still held me up, but as the moments passed by, against all that I felt, my footing returned. Back to as if I was standing looking at a flower bed instead of this tortured body. I let out a loud sigh once more. This time to hold in everything else I was feeling. Not daring to let any more weakness consume me. I'd already killed her with such cowardice. 

Death's words suddenly rang in my ears, "This is the hard part. Guess you Devaleon wolves aren't much different. " 

If I hadn't used all my strength on this, I would have attempted to shoot her glare.

I whispered, slightly breathless, "We do what we must. It doesn't mean we're heartless Death. Stop assuming-" Suddenly her hand cupped my face. Stopping me from speaking. 

"That's not what I meant." She retorted.

I continued to look at Alpha S- the body. 

"Wasn't it?" I questioned. 

Silence filled the air. Only a small breeze passing. Letting the smell of the body flood my senses. I grit my teeth once more and blinked it away, but I wouldn't forget that smell. 

Seeming oblivious Death whispered, "I'm the assassin,  I obviously didn't mean it like that."

"Sure." I breathed out. Still too defeated to keep this going. 

Death snapped, grumbling, "Serious." Though I could feel her eyes glaring at me. I didn't react.

"Come with me. " She commanded. I finally pulled my sight from the carnage. Looking at Death's shoulder instead. I took in a large deep breath and focused on the colors of her clothes. The darkened maroon and softened fabric almost completely covered her smooth toned shoulder. Draped over like elegant silk. It reminded me again of what I'd done.

The forbidden thought crept in. 

It was too late to bring the body back... and she chose this ending. 

I breathed out. 

"Sure." I whispered to Death. Following her, wherever she wished to take me. 

A/N: This is an extra long chapter. Sorry about that, feel free to use the comment section to mark your place if need be. :)

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