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Harry walks into a coffee shop that he passes everyday as he walks from his regular coffee shop and this morning he decides to try this new shop as its a few minutes closer to his building and because he was running late and was cursing himself for spending so much time on the latest contract that he was reviewing and as he orders his drinks he looks at the cashier who is taking his order and can't believe the sight in front of him this angel can't be real but he is because he is right in front of him but was brought out of his thoughts when he hears a voice

"what can i get you" the cashier says as he stares at him

"um large caramel machiatto no foam extra whip cream, extra caramel on top please" harry says



"one large caramel machiatto no foam with extra whip cream and extra caramel on top, any pastries" the cashier says

"no just the coffee, thank you" harry says

'That will be $4.75" the cashier says as harry takes out his wallet and pays for his drink and as he waits for his coffee he just stares at the gorgeous blue eye angel taking orders and laughing at what ever the customer told him and harry knew that he had to find a way to get to know him

"harry" someone yells out as harry is taken out of his thoughts, he gets up and gets his coffee and walks out of the coffee shop and heads to work, when he gets there he takes a sip of his coffee and notices on the cup that it said smile and a smiley face harry can't help but smile

the following day harry goes back into the coffee shop and stands in line when he is next he is saddened that the cashier from the day before was not there

"can i help you" the cashier says

"large hot chocolate extra whip cream" harry says in a monotone voice

"large hot chocolate extra whip cream" the cashier says "any pastries"

"no thank you" harry says

"$3.50" the cashier says as harry takes out his wallet and pays and as he was about to go sit down he sees the cashier from the day before and that brings a smile to harry's face

"sorry im late my stupid alarm did not go off and I missed the bus " the cashier says as he puts on his apron "shit i forgot my name tag"

"no problem boobear" the other cashiers says as he starts to laugh

"uugh i told you not to call me that"

"told you i would everytime you are late, hurry help me make all these drinks" the cahsier says

"alright, Lima bean"

"what have i told you about calling me that"

"shh don't yell in front of customers"

"Stacy, large chai tea" liam yells out as he puts the cup on the counter "louis hurry i am really backed up"

"ok, i will do the cold drinks you do the hot ones"

"jason, large hot medicine ball with 2 honey sticks"

"jordan, large peach green tea no lemonade no sweeter" louis yells out as he puts the drink on the counter

"here yell this one out since your there" liam says

"Harry large hot chocolate extra whip" louis yells out and see the green eye man approach him "hey welcome back" louis says with a smile

"thank you for the happy face yesterday it made my day" harry says

"glad it did you looked like you were about to scream, have a nice day harry" louis says with a smile

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